====================== COOL ENGLISH www.coolenglish.co.uk ======================


журнал Cool English

 Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста,подписалась на журнал CollEnglish пришло только 2 номера The Beatles , St.Patrick's day. Больше не приходило, Могу ли я рассчитывать на получение остальных номеров или это у меня проблемы с почтой? ...

OUR NEW SITE - www.coolenglish.co.uk

 Soon to be more popular than Google, YouTube and Facebook put together!!
What do we think?

When will the new issue be published?

 Cannot wait anymore!
And what's about Business English?

Lexics in groups

 Hello dear CoolTowers and CoolEnglish readers!
I need your help badly)Do you know a good site specialized in upper-intermediate lexics in groups? I mean a group, for example, "weapons". And you get a list of them=D Thanks beforehand ^.^ ...

Miss Cool English 2009

 We are holding a beauty pageant. All you gorgeous girls out there, send your photo to editorial @ coolenglish . co . uk

You can send us a photo of yourself with Cool English, at school, with friends or family, on holiday, or doing something ...

the most difficult thing in English is...

 what do you find the most difficult thing in the English language? what was difficult for you to learn, to understand or remember?

PC or non-PC? Political correctness?

 What do you think about PC?
Is it a feminist-led protest or a weird need for reformation?
what are its disadvanatges and advantaags?
it would be interesting to know the opinion of the native speakers as well as learners of English. ...

Song lyrics

 We get a lot of requests here at Cool Towers asking us to explain or translate song lyrics. It seems a lot of people prefer English / American music to their own....
So, if you are confused about a song, let us know here and we'll try and explain ...

помогите перевести, пожалуйста

 1) здравствуйте. у вас назначена встреча?
2) с кем у вас назначена встреча?
3) на какое время?
4) подождите минуту
5) подождите в холле
6) сейчас за вами спустятся



 "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all it's pupils". H. Berlioz.

"Never explain - your friends don't need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway" E. Hubburt.

To my mind we could find a great wisdom ...

Where is W2?!!

 Guys - it's awfully quiet round here of late! I was sitting here wondering why, when I realised that W2, my wonderful Editor, has disappeared! Then I realised I hadn't seen him in the office for a few days, either. And I started wondering, where ...

Do and make

 Hello everybody!
You know that these two verbs can be put into Russian in the same way:"делать","сделать". But in English there's a difference between them and sometimes it causes a lot of problems. So lets help each other!

Greatest Band Of All Time

 Cool English 47, our Beatles special, is on sale now! I've already got my copy.... So, to celebrate the Beatles, we'd like to know who you consider the greatest band of all time. I, obviously, think it's the Beatles... anyone disagree?

Swear Words

 Well chaps and chapettes, it's high time we touched on the trickiest topic of all. Starting with four letter words, and ending with blue language, this is the swear words forum. Bring it on, motherfucker!

British Comedy

 What British comedy or comedians do you people like / watch / listen to?
I'll let you guys go first before I tell you which I like... :)

Very big problem

 I'm to face a great problem!)My friend and I were forced to take part in the literature conference and now we have an extremely boring work about "Childhood.Adolescence.Youth." by Leo Tolstoy.
Dear Cool English readers and Cool Towers!Please ...

useful links

 I thought may be we should create a new thread where we could post useful links aout English, accents, grammar or whatever may be useful for studying English.
Please if you post here don't forget to describe what the site or page about...=) ...

English-Russian Translation Problems

 What words or phrases do you know that translate badly, or not at all, from English to Russian or Russian to English?
I'll start with a classic that native English speakers have: 'excited'. We have great difficulty translating "I'm excited"!! ...

Hot For Words video

 Please everyone take a look at the new video of Marina Orlova (on this month's cover) discussing the route of the word 'lollipop', which you all voted for, and leave your comments! Tell us what you think of Marina!

Cool English 46

 Has anyone bought the new issue of Cool English yet? If so, what do you think?

Business English

 We'd like to know your views on our new magazine Business English, coming out in February 2009. Is it a good idea? Are you going to buy / subscribe to the magazine? What would you like to see in the magazine? What do you not want us to include? Be so ...

The citizen of the world=)

 If I only have translated my idea (гражданин мира) correctly, I'd like to ask you :"What do you think about it?"
On one hand it's good, because there is no country on the map, in which this person is a foreigner. On the other hand, he or she has ...

Grammar Help

 Hello guys,

I guess I need your help and advice in the following:

I was just doing a grammar exercise on tenses, there are 2 sentences which i haver certain doubts about:

1. I need to have rest. We __________ non-stop ...

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