Song lyrics


 We get a lot of requests here at Cool Towers asking us to explain or translate song lyrics. It seems a lot of people prefer English / American music to their own....
So, if you are confused about a song, let us know here and we'll try and explain the meaning!

 Well, that's all the thanks I get for generously offering my services! You just all sit there then, listening to your Madonnas and 50 Cents and not understanding a bloody thing!

 Alright, I'll be the first))) From The Way I Are: thug it out till we get it right. Does the combination "thug it out" mean to have sex?

 Sounds rather violent to me. A "thug" is a violent man, usually big and strong, and very stupid. To thug something out - first time I've heard it... I think a visit to urbandictionary is in order.

 Apparently, yes, 'thug it out' means to have sex. African-American slang sounds ghastly.

 I've got a question)What does it mean, "cry me a river"? Came across it lookin' for videos with Susan Boyle.

 to 'cry a river' means to cry a lot, and produce lots of tears (enough to fill a river).

 I saw a strange word in that Juno song a few days's sort of
R A M B U N C T I O U S L Y...I wonder what does that mean? and the dictionaries couldn't afford an answer^( please help!

 and what does A SKINBOARD mean?
(sorry 4 already 2 ugly questions)

 rambunctious(ly) means very energetic, loud and out of control. No idea what a skinboard is!

 oww, TNX a lot! and one more thing - what does the word ROOFIES mean? I wonder if it has something to do with arguing...?