====================== COOL ENGLISH www.coolenglish.co.uk ======================



 So, who found the Cool English website useful?

Sin bins

 Hi, people! I just read that in Britain there will be special schools for badly-behaved children - so- called sin bins. The idea is to send them there for correction and to release afterwards. If you know more about this system, please share. ...

English Tongue Twisters

 Hello all, i suggest sharing english tongue twisters here) they might be really helpful if you want to improve pronounciation)) I'll begin)

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If ...

Cool English Website

 This questionnaire's really simple!
Cool English has a new website; we want you to go see it, and to tell us what you think. So vote for the correct answer above, and leave your comments below!
www [DOT] coolenglish [DOT] co [DOT] uk in ...

Top 15 British Films of All Time

 Ladies, gentlemen, I present to you a list of the top 20 British films of all time, as decided by Shortlist magazine. Have you seen any of these? Do you want to see any of these? Vote here for your favourites, and be sure to leave some comments.

You ...

How Will You Waste The Afternoon On Saturday 17th May?

 So many things to do, it's Saturday after all! But, to be honest, I bet most of them will be a proper waste of time, unless it invloves words like "English" and " Film" and "Cool" and "Discussion". But hey, it's your choice!

What are you going to do tonight?

 Hey, it's the night before the big holidays - loads of choices for what to do, but really folks, there's only one CORRECT choice...See if you can choose which that might be in the questionnaire!


Hi, everyone!
I suggest sharing things that impressed you and made you change your point of view, how about this one?
“There's no thrill in easy sailing when the skies are clear and blue,
there's no joy in merely doing things ...


 Hey, y'all! Do you like such poetry? Do you write limericks yourself? Or you just love them? Welcome to this topic. I myself wrote a limerick once although it's not exactly a limerick coz the structure is a bit different. Anyway, I like it. Here ...

Your favourite proverbs???

 I just thought why not offer you sharing "folk wisdom", some proverbs? sayings? maxims? (are they synonyms?)
It's interesting to learn a bit of modern ones.


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 Пишите сюда все нестандартные выпражения англ языка идиомы и calocations, можно превратить это в форму игры - one by one...)
И не забывайте указать ее(фразы) значение


 Right, kiddos, time to party!

We've been saying for some time now that we'll re-start the film project, and finally it seems we've got the details sorted out enough to do just that! We reckon that in about two weeks' time, you lucky things ...

AmE vs BrE

 Hi, y'all! :))))

I would like to discuss things about American and British English.
But I think we all know things like 'lift' and 'elevator' and so on probably it would be more funny to discuss some cases of real misunderstanding ...

EASY! Vote For Your Favourite Section Of Cool English

 Well, I can see that nobody wants to write and explain what their favourite section is, so I've made it into a vote. Here you can vote for your favourite sections with one easy click. You'll be helping us out a lot, so go ahead and let democracy flourish! ...

Books vs. Computers

 This section is really just so we can get some reactions to the vote, but feel free to leave comments if you feel like it!

Little Jokes!

 Ladies, Gents, other assorted learners of English, listen ye!

We'd like to start a new section of the group, where you can put up examples of your favourite jokes, but there are a few rules:
1) Nothing obscene / racist / unnecessarily ...

What's your favourite section of Cool English?

 So, ladies and gents, in this democratic time which we inhabit, it's no longer the done thing to tell people to shut up and be happy with what they've got; nowadays, there is too much choice for that. So we decided to open a section here where you ...

Prez Putin Rocks!

 oh, so sweet!
what inspire you to write such a "nice" words? should we thanks Holland for this?

by the way, gorbachev is still alive, so you can dream about both: prez and gorbi.

and honestly,it is really bad idea to read ...

English Slang, new words & phrases! EVERY DAY!

 Dear friends!
Every day Our Editor will write here 1 word or phrase or idiom, which is often used in informal speech. Specially for YOU, dear reader!
He will explain its meaning in English & give a situation when it's used. And we will ...

The Editor's Blog

 DATE - 23rd Oct 2007.
EDITOR STATUS - hungover as hell

Welcome, Coolsters, to a new section on our vkontakte group - the Editor's Blog. Here, on a vaguely-weekly basis, I will put thoughts, experiences, ideas, and ...

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 Дорогие фаны и читатели!
Расскажите, какие лица вы бы хотели видеть на обложке журнала Cool English? Какие персоны вас интригуют? Интервью с какой звездой вы бы с удовольствие прочитали?
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С выходом на рынок журнала Cool English (бывший Hot English) в 2004 году мы проводили серию тематических вечеринок: "Angels & Devils", "Doctors & Nurses"," Vicars & Tarts", "Bikiny Party", "Champagne Party" и т.д. (см. ...

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