Hot For Words video


 Please everyone take a look at the new video of Marina Orlova (on this month's cover) discussing the route of the word 'lollipop', which you all voted for, and leave your comments! Tell us what you think of Marina!

 Why do so many people not like it? Or aren't watching it? Is it all the jealous girls voting?!

 I think it must be, mate. I mean, I can't think of any other reason. She's amazing. And she dedicated it to us! And our readers!

 I don't know what other people think but I think the one about the word "lollipop" was rather suggestive (her dress, the bed in the background). I rated it as OK (not because of what I mentioned above but because of her pronunciation).

 I rated that ok as well but it's just because I've never been fond of etymology. If she spoke about, for example, slang I would fall for it.

 At the same time, people usually like etymology. So maybe, guys, you're right. If a lot of girls read your magazine maybe it makes sense to have a guy instead ;)

 Fall for *it*, Alex? What about falling for her?! And I, by the way, find etymology fascinating...haven't you ever wondered about where words come from?

 :)) fall for her? No, I'm afraid of girls like Marina :) I get too timid :)))


 Yes, I know what you mean; she'd leave one stammering awkwardly and looking at the floor.

 Exactly, William! :))

 I'm among these jealous girls!!=D
To tell the truth it's cool))

 I don't know why you two would be looking at the floor...I know where I'd be looking ;)

 I can't imagine, Svetlana, you see he's from a younger generation of Brits, when chivalry and decency went by the wayside.