OUR NEW SITE - www.coolenglish.co.uk


 Soon to be more popular than Google, YouTube and Facebook put together!!
What do we think?

 "Stop press"?... "Moving everything on-line"?... Wait, wait, wait... It means that it won't be possible to buy a copy in the shop, right?... Oh... What could be worse?... I'm afraid I'm not ready to ruin my eyesight reading articles on-line... Unfortunately... I'm sorry. Your printed issues were the best ever.

 Верунька, +1. What about subscribers and their money?

 We are one of your subscribers, have been trying to get in touch with your office for three days but nobody is answering the phone. On the group's main page it is mentioned that there is a special message for the subscribers on the website, but there is nothing there. Could you please advise what your plans are regarding the issues of both magazines that have already been paid for and how we can now contact the office - is the phone in order?

 Guys, what's going on? You got a crisis punch right in your stomach? Let's suppose printing magazine is suspended but not stopped forever, ok?

 Yeah, the present-day crisis must be very hard if I'm losing my favoutite magazine right now! =(

 Alex, I'd like to agree, but I don't want to hold false hopes. Maybe one day printing can start again; that's why we're continuing it all with a website. But no promises.

Subscribers - yes, there is a letter there. Click on the red speech bubble. It's all explained in there.

 ...and Rucci, we don't want to stop printing either, and maybe you could print material out and read it to save your eyes?
What we want you all to realise is the website is going to be *better* than the magazine!! We're sure of it!

 2Will: Of course, I could! I will! But... Anyway... Every issue is a piece of my archive and has its own history. And it won't be easy to surpass the coolest inexplicable appeal the mag had. If possible...
Hope, your web site will live up to our expectations : )))
By the way... I set your link on my site without your permission. Will you kill me, Wills?... : )

 Link away!
And please don't forget, fans, that we have 50 back issues, most of which are available for purchase!

 William, I am really sorry but I still can't find the letter to the subscribers. No red speech bubble either on co.uk or on ru coolenglish sites. Could you please give me the link?

 There is a massive, red speech bubble on www.coolenglish.co.uk with a letter from the Editor-in-Chief. You have to be blind to miss it.
Anyway, here''t show those two bubbles, neither on my home PC nor on our several office ones. We tried Opera and it's fine. Sorry about that and thank you.

 Ok, thanks for pointing that out - we'll pass it on to our web people.