The citizen of the world=)


 If I only have translated my idea (гражданин мира) correctly, I'd like to ask you :"What do you think about it?"
On one hand it's good, because there is no country on the map, in which this person is a foreigner. On the other hand, he or she has no native land at all.
So, what do you think?


 I think it's awesome, if i was able to call myself citizen of Solar System i would be so happy ^^ Besides, u will always have your own land aka place of birth, so it depends on how much do u need it. 4example: i live in Germany 3 years, 4 me it's just a place on Earth where i live atm. and where i have work, new friends some other interests. I don't really care about: "i'm a foreigner" if i feel myself like at home.

 Yes, it depends on how much you need it)To my mind, the native land is not just a place of birth, but something more, your "roots", you know)

 Indeed, but anyway Cititzen of the World sounds great.

 as I am not a citizen of the world I can hardly imagine all the advantages of this state, but If I were one I 'd perhaps feel need for some place to call it native land, home where your heart longs to be at least sometimes.
I once moved from such a place and I dream to go back to it one day.


 It's quite clear that one can't get rid of his/her culture and upbrining even if one wants that so badly so being a citizen of the world doesn't imply being cultureless or something like that. And the same is with your native land - it's obviously in your soul, as Marc Chagall wrote in his autobio. Physical being or not being in your native country is another story.

I would like to concider myself a citizen of the world because this could make me open to all countries and cultures. To be honest, I really don't know if I'm able to find anything interesting and close tor me in every country but at least it's really worth trying. I will never forget this nice feeling of exepriencing a foreign culture and finding something that is a part of me. It's always a great exeprience. You ask yourself 'Wow, how can that be? These guys know nothing about me, how can this or that thing be so cool? How can people be so nice?' Of course it's not always nice, people aren't always friendly and so on. But anyway I guess one day we should all become citizens of the world one day because it's not about losing your identity, it's about diversifying it. And of course, it's about peace.

 Yep, all friendly people are like brothers and sisters, and those who not suck.

 It does annoy me when people in Russia go on and on about being a 'foreigner'. In my opinion, no-one is 'pure', i.e. no-one can say they are 100% Russian, 100% English, 100% French etc.
I remember during my more politically radical days at university some of my friends and I deciding that borders, state divisions, regions, identities etc should all be dismantled, and there should be just one country in the world called 'Blobland'. As I remember, we even came up with a Blobland national anthem....!

 Oh go on, sing it for us!

 2Will Михалыч Vernon
"In my opinion, no-one is 'pure', i.e. no-one can say they are 100% Russian, 100% English, 100% French etc."

Well, I guess no one does unless ignorant or mentally slow.

 Unfortunately, Alex, they do exist...

I like to think of myself as a citizen of the world - so long as the world is painted pink ;)