useful links


 I thought may be we should create a new thread where we could post useful links aout English, accents, grammar or whatever may be useful for studying English.
Please if you post here don't forget to describe what the site or page about...=)

 let me start then =)
though the site I am going to refer to is not about Language, I hope it will be useful for you because it is about ecology, about different stuff we have at home and where it comes from and where it goes after we have used it. The information is in English, so enjoy =)

 Although there are tons of language-learning sights, I still thinks it's best to read and hear *native* English, therefore: - listen to people! There are also some great lessons on YouTube! - the best website in the WORLD - join, and start общаться-ing with English people!!

 oh and of course !!

You mentioned that one some time ago in your status, I believe. I watched it. I was impressed. And disturbed. Well done for supporting them.

When posting email addresses on the internet, you should do as you do, put brackets and spaces, so that the person's email address doesn't get spammed; but it makes no difference when writing website URLs.

W2 - "sites" and "sights" are, I believe, two different things! 1-0 to me.

 I don't know if I did it rather to support them or share the information with as many people as possible. I believe it is very important to know what effect we have on nature (other people and our future too) by buying and buying loads of things.
anyway I am glad that there is at least one person who watched it too =)

I have another link - this time it is about literature - if there is anyone wishing to discuss books, writers and other things concerning literature - www[.]online-literature[.]com

P.S. William, please don't be too hard on Will's "sights" - i believe it was simply "очепятка" =))

 "a typo"...

 Zhenya, you're too nice! We can't be having bad English on our group, especially if it is from the Editor of Cool English! And besides, it's my job to check he's doing his job properly :)

 I believe he is doing it great, as well as everyone in Cool English team =)

(in my opinion) best English dictionary on-line - www[.]ldoceonline[.]com


 Oh dear... how embarrassing... Evgeniya, thanks for that! WHJ, I'm going to scour your future posts for grammatical or lexical errors until we're even again!! You have been warned!

 Hey, Will, are you still hate abbreviations or it happened because of embarrassment?
" WHJ, I'm going to scour your future posts for grammatical or lexical errors..." (c.)
What does WHJ mean?


 Compass dear girl, I'm WHJ. He's W2. It's our own internal code.

And yes W2, I imagined that would be the result. Still, a noble mission, I believe.

 Blushed. I should've guessed... So, WHJ and W2, I won't forget no more!

I don't know how to describe. Just watch it.

 I'm sorry... May be this link is not so useful, but... It's really interesting. Be sure.

 And this one:
h t t p : // www[.]wordcount[.]org / main[.]php
If you want to know how often the word is used in speech, you can check it there!

 I love that wowrussia site!! It's brilliant!

 www[.]videojug[.]com Tons of thematic videos one can easily use in the class. The videofiles themselves are splitted into parts and accompained by sort of presentation slides. Not sure about downloading though...

 Wowrussia is funny :)

Cheburashka is 41 and he is a first Russian pokemon :)))))))))))

Balalayka sounds much better than scotch bagpipe - that vividly shows deep feelings between British and Scottish :)

 Yeah... I was laughing at "first Russian pokemon" as well! :-D

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