Opinions and wishes


 Не могли бы вы убрать "приставку" "My" для английской (хотябы для английской) версии?

Есть еще один wish: в левом верхнем углу надпись "В контакте" заменить английским эквивалентом (можно просто V kontakte, хотя я голосую за In Touch), ведь для ностальгического "языка" эту картинку изменили.

 Здравствуйте! Давайте создадим Abuse Desk!!!! Слишком много спама приходит с порно рекламой! Это портит лицо контакта.
Вот примеры

По надписям на стене видно, как они "полюбились".
Спасибо! Очень надеемся вы примите меры, так как все мои друзья страдают от них.

 пожалуйста поменяйте мне язик на украинский.ато у меня щяс анг и я толкм розобраться не могу((


Вот ещё одна дрянь спам рассылает!

 Отлично было бы создать отдельное окно для аудио плейлиста. Неудобно каждый раз переходить назад по ссылке чтобы добавить несколько композиции к себе в альбом.

 I made a research using alexa.com and compete.com and found that my following suggestions would bring this website more success (internationally)

Advanced search by:
Age: from [16] - to [99]
Keywords: [separate by comma]
Height: [60cm to 280] with auto converter to ft. an in.
Weight: [30kg to 300 kg] with auto converter to lb
Eyes color: [black] - [Amber] - [Brown] - [Blue] - [Gray] - [Green] - [Hazel]
Hair color: [Black] - [Dark brown] - [Brown] - [Auburn] - [Red] - [Blonde] - [Grey] - [white]
Body Type: [Slim/Slender] - [petite] - [Athletic] - [Average] - [Little extra] - [Super extra] - [Body builder]
Smoker: [yes] - [socially] - [never again] - [never in my life]
Drinker: [yes] - [socially] - [never again] - [never in my life]

arrange results by: [last login] or [newest first] or [last modified] or [city:alphabetical] or [country:alphabetical] or [age:old to young] or [age:young to old]

Religion: [Agnostic] - [Atheist] - [Buddhist] - [Catholic] - [Christian-Other] - [Hindu] - [Jewish] - [Mormon] - [Muslim] - [Protestant] - [Taoist]

Allow to search for all previous fields at once []

 About editing profiles, I prefer that you change the religion "box" into a "drop list menu" with these options

[Agnostic] - [Atheist] - [Buddhist] - [Catholic] - [Christian-Other] - [Hindu] - [Jewish] - [Mormon] - [Muslim] - [Protestant] - [Taoist]

[Агностиком] - [Атеист] - [буддийские] - [Католическая] - [Христианско-Другое] - [индуистских] - [еврейского] - [мормонов] - [мусульманской] - [протестантов] - [даосизма]

 `ґYou cannot send a message to this user, because they have limited who can write them messages.ґґ

hi, this appeared when i tried to reach pavel with a message ...thereґs a little mistake here, though i have another problem- when you go to your settings and then to privacy and then to edit the groups of friends who can see your photos the pop up box doesnt appear and i can not change the groups.

And it would be just in general usufull to have a technical support link or something of this kind where we could leave our comments on this topic.

So if somebody had the same problem but managed to solve it please let me know


 can we go back to Russian, please???
there is already a site in english- the original site is www.facebook.com
and "beta"?? i can understand if you use it when talking to your friends, but not on the actual professional site :)

 How can I delete my account???

 hi. how can i advise of a spam? thx.

 Hi, it would be great to get notified about a new comment on a photo in other way than just via e-mail.

how can delete my account? i can't find this possibility anywhere.

 How could i join a grup that I really like? Because everytime i try to join one i always get this massage - cancel join, is it because i use english version of this website or there is other reasons that i dont know of??? Can someone help me please?

 Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but is there a way to 'Report abuse'? I'm quite concerned that people who have child sex videos on their page are inviting me to become friends. I have no problem with sexual content in general- it is up to the individual- but I am very uncomfortable with the idea of belonging to a website which obviously stores highly inappropriate material (eg sex videos featuring children).

Surely anyone who has such videos on their page should be banned instantly?

 Site Design and patterns for profiles

 o and i just read James Brooks post. Very good Question im interested to, got some problems with people inviting underaged people to sex groups, there should be a filter for that with age and type of group.

also an Ignore and Report button next to a person profile

if there is i too want to know

thanks James :D

 can you please support letters such as , , , , , Ђ ђ, Ћ ћ (used in Serbian & Montenegrian alphabet, I'm not able to put it in my name).

 I don't know how to delete my account can anyone help me? thx

 Я бы хотела иметь русскую версию контакта!!!

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