Opinions and wishes


 Why not change marital status "single" to "not married"? It's understood incorrectly....

 Hi there, how can I send my photos or my video to friends who are not users of vkontakte? I've tried to copy the link, but they would have to sign in. Please advise if this is doable.
Thanks much,

 Just send them the files or place your files at an open site. Or better give them your login and password)

 First i would to thanks all people buildung on this translation, its much easier than using babelfish :D

My wish is to add Еland (Finnish: Ahvenanmaa) or at least its capital to Mariehamn (to Finland) at My Profile / Places. "Its a demilitarized, monolingually Swedish-speaking administrative province, region and historical province of Finland." ;-)
wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Еland


 Hi ... i have small problem .... i cannot сonnect to your service from my home (I live in Poland around Lublin) - there is no problems from Warsaw - since i work there :P and i have already checked. I have googled a lot and found info that you guys have blocked some address space. My PC get address from DHCP server - at the moment is So could you check if it is it in blocked space and when you going to unblock it ?? At the moment i'm using proxy server but its bloody slow :( - i have read that you envountered lots of DoS but in my opinion blocking all adresses is without sense. Thx in advance for replay.

 i have problem as well. i wish to delete my account(for no reason, just dont feel like this no more), but it seems to be hard or even impossible, since there are no options to delete account on any option-submenus. I might be just blind, or something, but to my eyes, there are no options where i can delete my account :S if anyone would be able to help, i would be extremely grateful :) thx

 2Carlos: In the options where you choose who may visit your page tick off "to nobody". That's supposed to delete your account

 Good Evening!My name is Diana Spencer and i live in London.....i want to delete or block people with name- "Princess Diana"Lady D" or something else because it is disrespect for my family for all Spencer family!all that i can do...it is to protect the honour of my aunt Lady Diana Spencer.

 please do it if you can....and answer please what are you thinking about it?

 in a relationship - it's too formal... maybe it would be better to say "dating"
but what's right: dating or dating with?

 How can Administrator send the message to everyone from the group? I see just one way to send the message one by one, but is it possible to send info in a common letter immediately for all members? Thank you in advance.

 Is it possible for members in the group to get subscriptions for news and ect. If it is, please describe how to do this.


 Pavel Durov

PLease let us be able to specify how we know people, like they have on facebook

 Two comments:
1. The "online" status of friends in the english language 'Beta' version is not working.
2. There should be a choice for the user to switch from the english version to russian version, and vice versa. Maybe there is, but I haven't found it yet


 vkontakte.ru is stupid site... just compare with better made site www.odnoklassniki.ru

 Hello! I would like to say that i really like vkontakte site!
But i Have only one question, i have an impression that there are 2 unсonnected parts of the site.
1- Of my friend's , 2- which i use now... I simply cannot find my friends.
Am i right? Could you be so kind and сonnect them??? Кстати, я живу в Сирии и мне бы хотелось поговорить с моими друзьями.

 Общие друзья - скорее не "Mutual friends", а "Shared friends".

 Hy Pavel
first of all I thank you for vkontakte.ru... staying in contact with all my russian fellows is very important for me ;-))

what do you think about a messenger-style chat-function? would it be a lot of work to implement this one?

only a suggestion ;-))



 Нет, лучше наверное Sex, потому что даже на ЗАГРАНПАСПОРТАХ четко написано: "Sex: M"!

 И наверно можно было бы сделать в самом низу страницы (как на index) смену языков..?

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