Opinions and wishes


 Кстати, вот еще предложение:

Sex => Gender

 You know, I just now thought of a good idea for vkontakte? I don't know if it is even possible with current programming methods, but maybe someday. Let me just tell you the idea.

You know, many times we click on links, only to tell us that we do not have permission to view the page, photos, videos or whatever. How about making the link different somehow from other links to notify us that the link will not get us what we want. Make the link a different color, font, or some other thing. It would save a lot of time and frustration.

I wonder if anyone else has thought of this.

Also, a good search engine for comments and posts would be nice for this forum. Thank you Pavel for your work here. It's a super site!!!

 It would be interesting to know how many hits/views that different parts of our profiles accumulate. In other words, show me the number of times that someone has viewed my profile, my photos, my videos, my notes, and whatever. But, give me the option to keep this information private. Thank you!


 why do I have english on my page? I'm russian :(

 I was surprised to find everything in English... Why cannot we choose the language of the page? I could go to Facebook if I wanted to see and speak English. что вы думаете?

 is it possible to change the language back to Russian? I prefer my native language version

 Photos OF me, Videos OF me



 I dont know how important is it but ... my mess ... my photos ... MY audio, MY video ... ne slishkom mnogo li MY))))

 You should really put the default language on the website back to russian to avoid any more confusion. Hundreds of people have been freaking out because they either don't know english or are too stupid to go into the settings and change the language, so they keep asking how to do it. Once the site is back in russian as its default, those who wish to do so can change everything to english. Otherwise i think a lot of us are tired of explaining members how to go into their settings.

 а как обратно на русский перевести???а то я нечаянно нажала!!!и теперь страдаюю!!!!!=(((

 dude come on guys...this is such a bullllllssshhhit,контакты its russian thing,i dnt want it to be like facebook

 Когда сталкиваешься с такими как Вы, Павел Дуров, начинаешь еще раз благодарить Бога за то, что была возможность эмигрировать.

Русский сайт - "только для носителей языка"! КАКОЙ ПОЗОР! Неужели у Вас не осталось уже никакого чувства собственного достоинства?!

А вот я - не носитель языка, представьте, а преподаю английский язык в университете в Австралии, и никто мне не колет этим глаза.
Перечитайте "Мастера и Маргариту", Павел Дуров - там все сказано о тех, кто пресмыкается перед Западом. Впрочем, меня не удивит если Вы и вообще Булгакова не читали - что с Вас возьмешь...

Straight to the point now - how can I change my page back to the Russian version? It is rather irritating as it is due to all the imperfections in your English version.

 Извините, я сейчас в Америке и видимо, вконтакт посчитал, что я американка. то есть не совсем правильна такая система. а если б я в китай поехала? я по английски прекрасно понимаю, но по китайски нет!

 Yeah I've been inundated with people asking me how to change the language back to Russian. Somehow their vkontakte has been changed to English without them asking for it. Bad idea! Assuming a user's language needs is not productive and you can never know. Let them choose!

On another subject - people moaning about the English translation in the 'Native speakers only' section are pretty much all Russian - you should be moaning here! Read the title! So many people think they know English better than the natives, or than the very nicely translated English version of vkontakte. Of course there may be a few issues/variations, but these are for the native speakers to iron out. I was happy to help, but now it seems to have been taken over by Russians saying "it should be 'on the photo' " (wrong!) or saying how much they hate the English version, or that it's the same as facebook! Well try posting in the 'opinions' section!

I happen to like vkontakte much more than facebook, especially the variable size photo tags. Nice job.


 po4emu po-angliiski???

 back to russian please :-)

 Уважаемый, Павел Дуров! Ну зачем надо было переводить вконтакте.ру на English? Я считаю, что сайт потеряла свой шарм, уже стало нетак интересно, как было раньше. А на English я могу и facebook пользоваться, тем более они сделали русскую версию. И ещё, Brooklyn это Kings County, NY.

 "Matt "Мэтт" Burke"

^Listen to what the man said....

I don't understand why the default language is still english. Because people are still asking how to change it, people are still saying that they CAN'T speak or read english and still trying to correct the translation to what they think is english so... please change the default to russian and let native english speakers change it back to english if they want to. Listen to them for corrections to your translation after...

 УРА!! меня услышали! теперь можно менять язык на первой страничке до того как заходишь на свою страничку!!

Спасибо большое!! )))))

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