Incorrect translation


 Закрыта страница пользователя. Я вижу его имя/фамилию/девичью фамилию/ник/универ, а так же 3 фразы
1) Send a message
2) Friends Вася
3) Add as a friend

Касательно второго пункта. Либо "Friends of Вася", либо "Вася's Friends".
Мне так кажется.

 #20: I'm pretty sure the audio section has already been discussed elsewhere, but the point is that since not all audio files are music/songs, it'd be best to leave the audio files as they are and change "audios" to "tracks".

"Uploading (no need for OF THE) pictures you are not ON may lead to the withdrawal of your account." - no, "on" is incorrect, "in" is the correct version. Withdrawal doesn't sound right, I'd say cancellation.

I have no idea where "love & sex" is, but instead of "relations", it should be relationships.

 Also, #21:
"You are not allowed to view this album as its owner DONT WE NEED A "HAS" HERE? restricted (cant see why you put the here) access (to - may be for?) (HIS, not their) friends only." - "their" is correct because it's the gender-neutral version. It would also be less awkward if it were something like "has restricted access to their album to include only their friends".

 <"Uploading (no need for OF THE) pictures you are not ON may lead to the withdrawal of your account." - no, "on" is incorrect, "in" is the correct version. Withdrawal doesn't sound right, I'd say cancellation.>
The "in" sounds absolutely wrong to me. Look it up in the dictionary.
Withdrawal - is not popular with russians, but for americans is a all-day word.
And NO, you shouldnt put their after owner. That's like crooked.


 #25 is absolutely right. We say "I was featured on that picture", NOT "I was featured in that picture." This has to do with the fact that in old times when there was no digital photography, photos were a tangible entity. Consider a similar case: "What's written on that page?", not "What's written in that page?"

Withdrawal sounds appropriate. Cancellation is an action taken by the owner of an account. Withdrawal is an action taken by the entity providing the account.

Their is NOT "the gender-neutral" version. It is the plural version. "Gender-safe", in American English, is "she, her" or, where applicable, "one, one's".

And YES, there should be "HAS restricted."

 Новый сервис Приложения еще не успели просто перевести. Он только на днях появился.

Excuse me, where did you find such a phrase?


 I see. (Actually I was confused by the word "withdrawal", which I didn't notice anywhere).

I'm not going to indulge in discussions, but I am absolutely sure that IN is a correct variant. Look it up in the dictionary. © ;)

 OK, let it be the way it is. I suppose both versions make sense. I consulted a grammar textbook, it clearly states that "on" should be used with pictures and photos, but google generates 350k hits for "in" as opposed to 5 hits for "on". (the query was "I was on that picture" and "I was in that picture")

English is totally screwed up.

 "About Event Name: ********
Тип: Same Year Student Meeting "
Тип - не переведено.
Same Year Student Meeting ?? имхо, как-то awkward звучит ))
можно попробовать Meeting of Student Mates

This event is closed. Only after invitation. =>
This is a closed event. By invitation only.
IMHO -))
1) "Email" -> "E-mail"
2) "Cell Phone Number" -> "Cell Phone"
3) "Land Phone Number" -> "Landline Phone" (or Home Phone)
4) When you click on the fields, "Share the information XXX" (where XXX is Email or Website, for example) -> "Privacy settings: XXX". Add the prefix "Share with" to every each button there. And also translate 'XXX' to English (not every piece is translated - e.g. phone numbers).
1) Sex -> Gender

 "Opinion about ..." надо исправить на "Opinions about...", по-моему.

 You cannot send a message to this user because they have limited who can write them messages

Меня смущают they и them

 "Unfortunately there were no matches found for your search."=
Страница удалена иди ещё не создана? О_о
"This event is closed. Only after invitation." - "This event is private, invitation required."

Нет, это ты смотришь "" - К сожалению, по Вашему запросу ничего не найдено.

 It should be: You cannot send a message to this user because HE haS limited PEOPLE who can write HIM messages
I've no idea where the translators've found the non-sence rule about using "them" when you cant tell the gender. BULLSHIT.

Вообще-то это нормально - использовать "they", когда неизвестен пол.
Но хотя в данной ситуации действительно немного не вписывается.
А Вы что предлагаете? "him/her"?

 #41: девушка, используйте женский род или one/one's, когда вписывается.

А вообще в данном случае не используйте ничего, вот:

You are not allowed to view this album as its owner has restricted access to friends-only.

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