Incorrect translation


 And just because you've never used some experessions b4 that doesn't mean they r wrong. Plus it always cracks me up when ppl say that facebook, CNN etc r far from proper English. the truth is- they're not. They're as far from grammatically correct Enlish as Vkontakte is from gram. correct Russian ;) And the fact that Russian ppl criticize americans for their ignorance in English grammar and totally wrong pronunciation is a little hard to understand..I dare to say that it's complete nonsense...To the ppl who strongly dislike American English and think they know better: I mean do u think u speak Brittish English or something? Well, sorry to burst ur bubble, but what it is u speak.. sounds more like a fork stuck in a garbage disposal...

 Natalya, way too many mistakes and slips in your posts here. ConCentrate)

 Natalie, as we are not native speakers, we are to follow the grammatically correct English, and when sb says that in FB, or whatever it is, there is a mistake, they mean that, on the one hand, they accept that it is OK to say/write so, but, on the other hand, we are unauthorized to use that. IMHO.

P.S. 'I dare to say' - After 'dare' bare infinitive comes, i.e. 'I dare say'. Moreover, they sometimes spell 'em together : 'I daresay'.

 Oleg, Americans are tending to write 's' instead of 'c' when it sounds like [s]. (For example, selebrate, consert, so on and so forth.). Notwithstanding, it is not regarded as a linguistic standard yet, so it is strongly recommended not to use that.

 Люди, а меня вот так удивляет, что тут русские выпендриваются и пишут по английский. И друг у друга выискивают ошибки. Стараясь писать как можно правильнее, сами ляпают не меньше...

Не выпендривайтесь)))) Вы не англоговорящие)))
Будьте проще - и люди к вам потянутся))))

А то уже не о переводе сайта, а все больше о том, кто лучше знает, как говорят за бугром. Смешно, ей богу)))

Это - естественный симбиоз. Мы друг у друга узнаём что-то новое. Весьма полезно, не находите?

 Содержание - да, форма же подкачала)))

 Почему же? Почти живой диалог с комментариями к речи друг друга.

 Gleb, thanx, I know, I'm a teacher myself.) You're right, it's not a language standard, it's a mistake. Twas so funny Ms Karasik was lecturing in such language here that I couldn't but comment...)))

 Change the permanent question in "offers" "Would you like to" to "Would You like". For example it`s not able to use complex object.

 Oleg, as for me, I'm a 16 years old senior. Moreover, I started when I was 12. However, I pick out about 5 hours for English in a day, which helps me be up-to-date:)

 А будут ли и новости на нескольких языках? А то сейчас что русский, что английский выбран - новости на русском все равно.

 #22 The only possible variant is "Вася's friends". Вася is a human, not a thing or so!

I would change:
In "Personal Info":
- 'Cinema' instead of 'Movie Theater', even if it's possible in NAmE it sounds really stupid!
- Website => Homepage
In the main menu:
- 'Suggestions' instead of 'Offers'... or at least 'Suggestions and Offers', because not all the verbs in English are used with 'offer'
- Виталий iCherry Кульпин (This is You) to (That's You)
In "Places":
Work => Job
Billiard => Billiards Club... or Pool Bar. There's no word 'Billiard' at all!
In "Wall"
Probably every post must have inscription that somebody 'has written' or 'has posted' instead of 'wrote'?

 In "Places":
Cafe => Cafй
Internet Cafe => Internet Cafй

 исправьте пожалуйста This is You на It's You.. некорректное выражение.

 Only your friend can leave an opinion about you. ->

Only your friends can leave an opinion about you.
Only a friend of yours can leave an opinion about you.

(I guess people in contact have more than one friend each =)

 relationship status - marital status

 army - military service

 Andriano el maHico Kandrushin,

The term 'marital status' can only determine whether a person or married or not. But one of the options is 'dating', though. Hence, using this particular term is incorrect.

As for changing army into military service, I support you, for 'army' is a group of people and that's the only meaning.

 Глеб [CrazyPensil!] Смирнов

u see...the thing is that the english equivalent to "семейное положение" is marital's just a translation....does the collocation "семейное положение" convey "поиск партнера"???i think not..but nevertheless we can suggest it.the same thing with "marital status".
u think it's a cardinal mistake?for me it's a universal phrase.
speaking about relationship status...this only suggests 'dating' but not marriage at all)
may be the solution is "marrige and relationships" in this case?if it's so important..ah?


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