For native speakers ONLY


 When you click on a private photo, the message reads:
"Photo is not visible because of privacy settings"
I would not use the word "visible" here, in fact, I would re-arrange the sentence:
"This photo is not available because of the owner's privacy settings"

 when im on my profile beneaht my name stands (This is you)
but im sure it should be (This ARE you)

 sorry, but tis is pure bunk!!!


 no,seriously, this English version is crap (no offense)...

before actually making it live, you could've checked all the spelling mistakes, grammar etc... shit effort and very pointless, if you ask me!!!

i personally think, "cell phone" should be "mobile phone" if you're in the UK (this is where English language originated, if you didn't know...); and "favorite" should be spelt with a "U" - "favourite", as in Oxford English Dictionary, lol....
of course you can leave it as it is, considering you ARE just duplicating Facebook, which is American - so that makes sense.

"log out" is two words, same as "log in" and "log off".

don't mean to repeat myself, but the site is for Russian speakers, anyone else can either join the above mentioned American site or learn Russian!

i do apologise for this little rant i've just had, but i am really not a fan of the new!!!!!!!!!!!!!



 the ARMY section, should probably say MILITARY, because the army is only a branch of the military. if someone is in the military they could have served in the ARMY, NAVY, COAST GUARD, MARINE CORPS, AIR FORCE and a few other branches

everything else looks good
this english version is great

 The studies/major is different and weird at my school CSULB. It has one that says LONG BEACH SCHOOL OF RAP.

NOT cool. :(

 "What does rating needed for?"
= What are ratings for?

"We chose to introduce a validation requirement through an SMS of minimum cost as the most democratic solution which will make spam and endless manipulation unattractive."
=In order to limit spam and exploitation, we chose to introduce a validation requirement through SMS as the least expensive and most accessible solution.

"Why rating-based sorting isn’t always correct?"
=Why isn't rating-based sorting always accurate?


 Just some information to think about. The letter Z in america is pronouced ZEE NOT ZED. This is something that I found was lost is translation.


 "Just some information to think about. The letter Z in america is pronouced ZEE NOT ZED. This is something that I found was lost is translation."

Yes, and in Canada, and England - it's 'zed'. I don't know which English this translation is attempting to use ... American?

 Pavel, when you wrote "English version is beta" you made a mistake. It's not "beta", it's "better" :-)

I'm seeing this comment quite often, but they do not mean "beta", they mean it's IN BETA. Beta IS used here, it means testing.


 it's fine.....i'm impressed with the english....leave it as it is...

 Thank you guys! ^_^

 It is great to keep in contact with all my Russian friends despite the fact that i don't speak Russian. the one thing where the translation is really needed though is the emails...

 на главной странице:

"We want old friends and ex-classmates, neighbours and coworkers always to stay in touch."

"always to" - это не правильно - лучше "to always", а даже убрать "always": "we want ....... to stay in touch" - больше по-английски по-моему))

 I think that its so much better in english coz it makes our site UNIVERSAL..!!
I mean now anybody from all aroud the world can join US..!
its a good idea,!

 "In the advanced search (and I'm sure other places) you have Education Mode with options full-time, part-time, etc. A better phrase may be Educational Status."

Ye I have noticed that as well, 'Mode' isnt a suitable word for it, maybe just take it out at all but thats just me personally, everything else looks good man keep up the good work and maybe one day you will become as big as facebook :D

 Can you send me the mail notifications in English because i can't see them in rusky

 "Do you want to add ______________as a friend?
We will notify him, and he will have to confirm that you are friends."

This is a profile of a girl, and your message above is marking the Girl as HIM, instead of HER.

 Is there any chance that the graffiti application will be translated to english?

 The button for the mass picture uploader says, "you are recommended to use mass uploader in case you've got several photos". That doesn't make much sense. Try, "we recommend using the mass uploader for more than three photos".

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