For native speakers ONLY


 REPLY TO #172:

Thank you for the information Victor. I can use that someday when I begin working with groups. There was some confusion in what I wrote. What I meant to write is that I wish I could group together the videos that I personally upload or add to my profile. Like we can group together and move photos in a photo album, I wish we could group and move the order of the videos we have posted on our profile. Keep the "uploaded date", but allow us to move and group and edit the videos. Just an idea.

 REPLY #176:

maybe not "photos with" but "photos of"


I agree that under the profile photo the links "Photos with me" and "Videos with me" can be confusing. My understanding is that it means "photos with me in them". "Photos of me" is usually expressed as a title in a photo album, "Me".

I think instead of "Photos with me" and "Videos with me", more accurate phrases are, "Tagged Photos" and "Tagged Videos", since that is what you see after you click the link: Photos and/or videos that either you or someone else has tagged.


 I couldn't change the language to English until after I had signed up...


 Is "Favorite Games" supposed to be translated "Favorite Sports" or something else?
Or am I actually supposed to say e.g. "Halo 3, Super Smash Brothers Brawl..." etc... Or possible "Duck duck goose, tag, etc".

It's a bit vague

 Contact Information [ edit ]

Mobile Phone:
Land Phone:

Land Phone does not make any sense, maybe House Phone and Mobile Phone.


 i am encouraged.. you guys are doing a great job. keep the flag flying.. i want to make a suggestion concerning the messages, it would more comfortable if messages could be as message history. that is the chain of messages sent to some one would come together not scattered and separate.. thanks and i would be glad if my point is taken into consideration..

 "We want old friends and ex-classmates, neighbours and coworkers always to stay in touch."

It's better written this way:
We want old friends, ex-classmates, neighbours and co-workers to always stay in touch.


 under "profile" i would change "army" to "military service" (rather than just "military" as suggested elsewhere) since there are other branches of the military in most countries, like the navy, marines, air force, and coast guard.

also, does anyone know how to switch back to the russian version of the site? i found it useful for language practice.

 Re: #285-
"Indifferent" is the best direct translation of "Индифферентый", but the word "apathetic" is more applicaple when describing a person's political views. A person could be indifferent or neutral on an issue, but not in regards to politics in general.

 The words "this is you" sound bizzare , in my opinion just "(you)" is much better. (I'm talking about the first line with the name.)

Also, "my photos" is fine but "my pictures" is more usual.


 can you add a instant chat?? could be the best!!! nice the english complaints thanks

i hope the security manager can read this i love this site so much
n i like my friends whos here
so let me tell you somthin there is somthing wrong about the security
its not good at all i opend too much files to people i dont know them and i can do what ever i want with it (sure i didt do anything) its need stronger security
i am professional and i know what i am talkin about and i am telling you that because i love this stie and thank you
...... eyes Shoot

 Well done russian guy!

 I've got a few quips with the Welcome! page. So I'll air them out and offer a possible correction for each of them. It should be noted that these aren't significant problems and the page is decent enough to get by.

" is a universal means for searching people."====> universally means "searching for people".

"We want old friends and ex-classmates, neighbours and coworkers always to stay in touch."====> "We want old friends and ex-classmates, neighbours and coworkers to always stay in touch."

"Find people you ever studied, worked or were on vacation with."====> "Find everyone you've ever studied, worked or vacationed with."

"English version is beta."====> "English version is in beta."

And to the few people complaining about the English beta.... it still has Russian! It's not becoming facebook or myspace by any means and it still serves the Russian audience at the core.

 Chill people, chill.
I like dis English version.

 Translation is a bit too literal.
i know russian good enough to understand it, but the menu can be confusive.
Practice makes perfect is a universal MEAN not "meanS" as you wrote below:
" is a universal means for searching people."
Any way you did a great job, keep it on :)

 I wish to give my BEST and BOLSCIOIE THANKS YOU to the site Admin because this English version is really wonderful!!! :)))))) (as I am not able to speak Russian and read Cyrillic) G R A Z I E - SPASIBO BOLSCIOIE!!

This site and community is 10000 times better than Myspace and Facebook, here I feel myself at home and everything is in the right way, don't change this site ever ;)

Best Regards,

 very good

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