For native speakers ONLY


 Very Good

 Hello Pavel, at first my compliments for building this network. Though I can here just for fun my business senses start working as well. I was wondering if there is a way for foreign companies to advertise through VKontakte. We would be really interested to play a role in such. Let me know your thoughts. Best regards, Harry

 i think now it's pretty good though i'd prefer german version. thanx for doin' well. u awesome, guys..

 At the home area of the profile, under the section "Places", under the section "Work", is displayed the word "Организация". The American English equivalent is "Organization". The British English equivalent is "Organisation".

Also, in the home area of the profile, the word "edit" is displayed in many different places. In my opinion, to be consistent with the other options displayed, the word "edit" should be capitalized: "Edit".

 In the top section of the profile homepage, is now displayed "Sex". A more proper and less ambiguous translation, would be the word "Gender". For example: "Gender: Male".

 In the section of opinions, "Opinion about" is displayed. To be more consistent with the other sections, the word "about" should be capitalized: "Opinion About". And, in my opinion, the word "Opinion" sounds better pluralized, "Opinions". So, my suggestion is to change it from "Opinion about" to "Opinions About".

 i think you have done a great job on translating;)

 - In English, we don't use the term "native" anymore, because it refers to Indians and particularly those who were wild and savage. We also don't use the term "Blacklist" anymore, because it refers to black people. They are considered rude and have been replaced with friendly words. I would say "English speakers" instead of "native" and also "Ban List" instead of "Blacklist".
- When adding photos, you have the phrase "you are recommended to use mass uploader in case you've got several photos". That sounds funny, and would make the Queen roll over in her grave. A better phrase would be "If you have multiple photos to add to your profile, please use this uploading tool".
- I had to laugh at the correction listed about for "movie theater", because only foreigners call a "movie theater" a "cinema". Leave "movie theater" !!
- And we never say "variants", Ha Ha !!
- You have done a great job with the English, let me know if I might be of any assistance. I speak British-English, Canadian-English, and American-English.

 Oh yeah .. Americans and Canadians say "mobile phone" and "cell phone", so if you call it "mobile phone", anyone who speaks English will understand.

 look at all these smart asses, stop complaining like little girls, deal with it, don't like it? use myspace!

 Hey Pavel...
instead of "offers" , "proposals" sounds better....)))

 and ya, the word blacklist is ok...its a modern word and in often use in mobile n' computer programs...

 Oh yeah by the way, there is still one word untranslated in work bit, "Организация" should be "Organization" or "Company", :)

Jigs !..! Rathod at 11:00pm on Jul 28, 2008
Hey Pavel...
instead of "offers" , "proposals" sounds better....)))

Both "offers" and "proposals" are good. But, in my opinion, "invitations" is even more clear and understandable because it is used more often, and it is more personal (not as businesslike as the other two words). Thanks again Pavel for a great website!

 From the profile homepage, I click "My Videos" and I see the list of all of my videos. It would be nice to see which group of people have access to each video (if selected) without having to click more. Maybe put the group of people who are able to access the videos (example: Work, Family, Home) directly under "View Edit Delete" to the right of the video still shot.

 It would also be nice to be able to re-arrange the order of each video we have in our list. And, while on the topic of videos, I would like to be able to put my videos into groups, like photo albums--"Video Albums".

I know that this and a few other previous posts should probably not have been posted to this forum, but since this forum is for native English speakers, then I don't feel so guilty. Smiles.

 Regarding my comment #157:

I have been thinking, and it also makes sense to not make "edit" capitalized. The reason could be that since some section of the profile is not yet proper, and to fix it we should click the "edit" link to modify it, then, to reflect that idea with an uncapitalized "edit" link, it seems okay. It seems okay to use the word "edit" which itself needs "editing", hence "edit" instead of "Edit". That even confuses me, sort of. If there are some questions, please ask.

But, on the other hand, I like the idea of keeping the grammar consistent, regardless of anything hidden ideas: ONE WEBSITE, ONE GRAMMAR, ONE FORM. ONE WORLD. Smiles.

Well, all my posts here are trying to improve the website, so who can blame me?

Павел--добавьте меня как друг, пожалуйста!

 Btw, Jordan, if you didn't notice it, you obviously CAN upload video to groups. The video pane is usually shown on the right side just below the avatar

 In videos when somebody has been tagged as being in the video it says "on this video" - should be "in this video"

Good work though, thanks.

 How do I delete my account?

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