For native speakers ONLY


 It should be my Pictures not my photos

 Why is the departments of study not translated to English, and the same with the name of universities?

 In the Education part, Alania should be ALANYA..
One of the Turkish city..

 could anyone help me to find someway to download the videos from here!!!
am using firefox!! i tried a couple of clipnabbers but it dint work!!!!

 in contact information you should say "State phone" but not "Land phone"

 "State phone" doesn't make any sense. "Land phone" is fine.

 Why it's impossible to write the name of department &major in some ex-SU's universities in English?

I already suggested this:
The Graffiti flash tool still needs to be translated:
толщина = Size
интенсивность= Transparency
Also: Cancel, Clear, Send


Erika Tietjen
ЕУ СПб '08

i think need to translate some information in user's profiles, like here after "Department"

 everything is good

 No I don't agree, you should'nt change "Vkontakte" , that's the name of the site and that's all .

 Mobile = British, Cell = American
In fact most Brits don't understand 'cell' at all

 The only thing that troubles me is that when I get emails, I can't understand them >w<;;~

 I dont have russian keyboard im using mobile, so whenever i want to search for something it cant find properly , if possible find a solution for that plz

 Thank you for all! It's seemed OK

In "My Friends"
У Вас no friends yet...
Apart from that it looks good. I will shout if I see more errors!
You did a Great job!


 In Add Photos...
You have "If you browser is not Opera", may be "If you are not using Opera" will be better.

 if you try to vote for someone, but you can't it'll say "back to page [name]"
I think it'd be best to change that to "back to [name]'s page"

 in "My Messages"
it says "You have no messages in Полученные сообщения."
it should say "You have no messages in the Received messages."

in "Add Photos"
it says "You are recommended to use mass uploader in case you've got several photos"
maybe better if it says "You're recommended to use the mass uploader in case you've got several photos"

before i added friends it said "У Вас no friends yet" in "My friends"

other than that, good job)))))

 If I try to upload a music file it sais:
"Если у вас возникли проблемы с загрузкой файла, воспользуйтесь стандартным загрузчиком." in Russian....

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