Practise......... ;]


 Regina, i think the most payful job is the server or bus-boy! cause working there you'll get a lot of tips!

 Александр, I think this is very difficult - to work in USA, no? what professions I can choose for myself? Or may be the company can choose it for me?

Валерия Marquise des Anges Клепова
for first time it's difficult but it's such a huge expirience!!! it''s not everything. It would develop your speaking skills if you do speak to native speakers, but I know people who didn't speak to anybody much and there was no improvement in their speach. In addition to it, that's no help to setting a grammar.

 i want and i need corect my drammar english...couse sometimes i feel myself like a dump..i understand but i shy to say smth back....but i have a practise with my boyfriend and some people..but at the same time i want to lean spanish, what i shoud do?..i want to read english books but the are so boring ,,hm i need found the way!!

 i wanna go to school...oh gosh what i talk about?!!!,,,i just seat along at the house and doing nothing..

 Hello everybody here!
My English is not so well as I want it.... I can say more... the level of English is very very low.... But I want to improve it so much! It will be fine to talk to somebody here on English!
Please write me! I am waiting for letters!'s wonderful group!!! i say honestly, I don't know English well....But i want to improve my lenguage there=))and if you have some free time and have icq, can write for me (424 446 452)

 when I red previous post, i am find difference interesting words=)))))it's cool..))=)) maybe some questions do active this page=)))What do you think about economical crisis in the world???)))=)))) I make many mistakes...but i am young in English(((

 may be you can help me.....i want a good transleter to my mobile(n 73)(переводчик), from russian to english....Where i can get it??? Maybe you know some site, from which (скачать ^_^)

 Hi people!Why so much boring?(((

 Hello people! My name is Elina.I can speak English not very well.But you can write me,if you want,i try answer.Thank you.

 The Message for Sergey =))
It's called MobileLexicon. It's not only for translating from Russian to English but from English to Russian as well. Where can you find it? Oh, I really don't remember. But you can try to look for it in Yandex or smth like that )
Good luck! =)

 i have translator on my telefone=)))) but it translator only from english to russian(((

 Is this MobileLexicon too? hmmm strange...cause I have it also ))

 to Сергей Смаглюк

Try this: There is two-way MobileLexicon.

 "Is this MobileLexicon too? hmmm strange...cause I HAVE IT ALSO ))
It seems kind of strange to me...
Maybe: ... cause I ALSO have it?

 maybe =) I'm not sure...)

 Ooo....thanx..)))=) I`m install this program and it working..))=)))

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