Practise......... ;]


 Hello, could you accept new member? My English is not well.

 welcome! everybody is invited

 Have you seen a movie "The devil vears Prada"?

 unfortunately i have not((((

 I advising to see it. very interesting. but the translate to Russian is not rule

 i have seen this movie. I did not like this movie.

 For what it is unlike for you?

 this movie uninteresting. in my opinion :))

 I suppose, It is very interesting movie. It impresses on me a lot. Really, I guess in main hero myself. Sometimes I think too much about how I look like. I thonk about brands and labels. My University forces me to change. I suppose, it is bad. When I arrive in Moskou, I was another woman

 Oh,this message has a deep meaning


this too

 Oh,you are so funny.))

 Soo what're you talking about,fellas? I think I nedd to improve me writing english,so why not to try do it with you. So what was the theme?

 2 Наталия Audi R8 Амелина

Thanks a lot. Nice to meet you.

 We have no theme any more....May be somebody has a few interesting ideas?

P.s. Thanks.))I am too

 Ich will I now this song. You like rammstein?

 I loved Rammstein in 13.))))
But today I am oreoaring for written work(контрольная) by macroeconomics. So this song is most suitable for it...It reflect my mood.))

 Yeap!!!! I am 100!! #100
I know...strange type of happiness

 Congratulations, quite no strange. If i will be 100, I,ll clamour and run in my room .
Dont afraid of macroeconomics, will be OK!!!!!
Afraid by mathanalysis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s sorry for my mistaks


 Matan...It is so nice subject...In my opinion

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