Practise......... ;]


 flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood
flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood


 Lets talk) may you could give me your ISQ? It would be more convinient to speak on ISQ and more faster))

 What does it mean "flood"?

 flood - по-русски "флуд", т.е. бессмысленное опубликование постов в форуме

а аськи у всех на аккаунтах висят

 Absolutely:) But my ISQ is 389433662 ;)

 i dont have ISQ though... never heard about it... i have ICQ 437902330

 i dont have ISQ though... never heard about it... i have ICQ 437902330

 ICQ and Contact are almost the same things...If you have one what for is second one?

 ICQ is much faster... that's why

 And what about Quip? What is its advantage? I heard it's better. Is it really so?

 jungl1st, ISQ and Quip must be something really cospirated. I've never heard of them either. Must be something more andvanced then ICQ and Qip.

Лена, Qip uses less traffic to provide communication for example.

But for practice in English the best is Yahoo Messenger. It gives you an opportunity to create a chat rooms for any number of your friend. It's much more convenient for discussions.

 MSN is ok too, by the way ;)

 Nah. In truth it sucks hard...

 msn sux i agree... too bad it's the most popular instant messenge in north america and if you want to keep in touch with them MSN is the only cheap and effective option


 But still Yahoo is the most popular in Europe and Australia. Fut goddamn! There are so many sick fucks among them. However in North America not less.

 what's up?

 nothing much

 my wang is up

 I try to guess, why the conversation is over)))

 But one really wonders if this could be considered to be a true practice topic with so so little activity over the time...not to mention the lack of members engaging (((....anyway....'tis still a good thing methinks >_>

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