What country do you you like most of all?????Why?????????????????


 What do you think about it????????????

 well,there's no Ukraine in the list.....

 i gas,
i like Spain and Mexica, don't know why it was begining,
but, now, i really wan't to study spanish.
just help me!!)

 Why here is absent my Favorite countries - Australia & Iceland?!?It must be change!!!I hope that leaders of this group have hear me and I am going to see my favorite country in this list)))

 I like all countries on the list, however some no exist))), for example Czechoslovakia.

 I like England,but I havent been there.

 i am realy interested in JAPAN. i think this country has a lot of secrets. and also KOREA=))

 I like England and Spain most of all, that's why it was hard to choose just one country. I wish some day i'll visit ALL this wonderful countries :)

 I think even if my Motherland the worst place in the whole galaxy it is
the best country) I`ve voted for Ukraine bc there is no place like home! I LOVE U UKRAINE!

 To Lenko. "Tchernikhivske" I like very much, too))))))))In fact, no one kind of this product. I prefer most natural, "rustical", version))))

 Spain...what a country! Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities in the world to my mind. Sun, sea, good weather all year long...just wow!:D

 Iceland! B'couse!!!

 Russia ofcouse, because i born hre and i live here, i love this country and i love my city Moscow!!!!

 I haven't seen many countries, I've been to Russia and Ukraine only, but I want to visit Japan and Great Britain very much )) They are my favourite one's.

 England is the best! especially London!

 I haven't large travelling experience.... I like Russia and South Korea, but I'd like to visit England and the USA and some other countries and probably I'll change my opinion

 England and Iceland)))definitely......England because of language...exactly vivid britain prononsiation))) Iceland because it is the motherland of my favourite group SIGUR ROS))))

 what's for me i'd prefer an love Italy cause it's cosy sunny and full of int places country and of course i love italian pizza

 England is ok = clubbing the best there in London

 I like Russia, because it's my native country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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