

 I'm going to Idaho this academic year!Wil I like it?

 depends on you :D

Юля <скоро стану Djokovic> Семёнова
do u already know your placement in id?

 It's Post-Falls)
did you like the state?and what about the climat?

 to be honest it's kinda empty.
climat is VERY dry, i had to use hand cream every time i washed my hands.
but people are VERY nice and fun :)

 I heard it's a bit rainy there, isn't it?

 no no, you must be kidding
see "climat is VERY dry"? & that's the most truthful truth I've ever heard in my life

 Rains? you kidding me.
idaho sitizens dont know that word.
we had .... umm... like two?
through all the year haha!!!
BUT we had snow on september, 30 th.

 well, Tamara, I guess it's so because Idaho has kinda high elevation ;)

 sometimes i got really pissed of cuz of wind. you'll get a lot of that there. sucks. but you can still have fun.

 oh hi i was in Idaho 2006 -2007 i was in Sandpoint one of the most beautiful towns in Idaho! has anyone been there?

 А я ходив до Priest River Lamanna High School у Північному Айдахо:) Правда, це вже доволі давно було, але все ж таки спогади незабутні :)

 Hi!! I've bee to Sandpoint and Postfalls, it's wonderful there!!! I lived in Hayden and went to Coeur d'Alene High School.

 to Настя Конина: i'm going to post-falls. tell me what is it like, please

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