Aries are reckless and determined. Nothing will stand in their way if they can help it, including people. They've got heaps of physical energy and are very competitive. They have to come first in everything. If they don't, they'll let you know what a bad loser they are. Never tell an Aries they're wrong either. They become dangerous. They make fantastic mates, great leaders and good politicians. They like to supervise and organize more than actually working. Never ignore this sign as their ego will be severely deflated and that's not a pretty sight. It's not all bad - they're friendly, kind and generous and certainly cute to a sagittarian!

Taureans are easy to understand. What you see is what you get. They also like to own everything, mostly food. They'll even own what's on another person's plate because their stomachs are very important. They never do anything quickly. You'll never catch a Taurus making a snap decision. They also hate change, especially in a relationship because they're very loyal. Taureans are extremely attractive and creative...They love flowers, music and the opera. They are the best mates you'll ever have.

Gemini's have amazing brains. They store data like you wouldn't believe. Lots of people think they talk garbage but this is because their minds move faster than their mouth. Gemini's are generous, affectionate and impulsive and hate hanging around. Boredom and relaxing frightens them. If they're not on the move they go mad. They are great with kids because they never grow up themselves. If you have a Gemini friend, life will never be dull. They love to be respected; this is pretty hard because they're so changeable. In fact, they are often prone to losing their train of thought mid sentence. They're practical jokers too, but can get aggravated if someone turns the trick on them.

Cancers are cute. They pretend to be tough but it's all an act. They have great memories and lots of them are good at history. They love anything old, like museums, antiques and your grandmother. They are fairly secretive and hide things - food in their drawers and cupboards for instance. They stay pretty close to home, are extremely psychic, have a great sense of humour and are the world's best cooks. They collect things. Other people call this garbage but to them it's gold...you'd never find a Cancerian throwing a garage sale.

Leo's are larger than life - or so they think. Everything is "me first" and if they don't win, watch out. They have to have all the ideas. If it's a good one it's his or hers, if it's a rotten one, it's someone else's. They're very generous and extremely helpful. If you're feeling a bit low, go to a Leo for some TLC. They love expensive presents and would expect you to leave the price tag on so they can see how much you've spent. They love people and you'll rarely see a Leo by themselves. They hardly ever get moody; in fact they're pretty good tempered for a lion.

Virgo's are one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. People think they're fussy, critical bad tempered and picky but that's only because they want everything to be perfect. This is the sign of cleanliness, although lots of Virgo's have the grottiest bedrooms and hang their clothes on the floor. They're extremely inquisitive and have a dreadful time trying to relax. Virgo's make fantastic friends. If a minor crises pops up you can be sure the Virgo will have everything under control in 30 seconds. They are always on the move because they like to learn as much as they can before they take off again. They excel at work so they probably get all the boring jobs (the ones Leo wouldn't be seen dead doing).

Librans are emotionally impulsive and just love being in love. In fact they can get quite depressed if they feel unwanted. They're also known as 'Lazy Libran' because they don't like to make decisions. They're just happy to go with the flow. They're fantastically beautiful. People will do anything for them. They're affectionate and sympathetic and intensely interested in people. They love entertaining and lots of good food, which means they're forever dieting. They're also the world's biggest spenders.

Scorpios make everyone go weak at the knees they are so utterly gorgeous. They have a brain sharper than a computer and no challenge is too difficult. They are very interesting, friendly and helpful. If you don't do something mean to a Scorpio they will be your friend for life. They have total control of everything and everyone. They are extremely jealous and will plan for weeks how to get their revenge. They make the best detectives, doctors and lawyers as nothing escapes their notice.

Sagittarians are fun loving, generous and extremely friendly. They very rarely tell lies, in fact they're so open about everything, the whole world knows what they're up to. They have marvellous intuitions that they should take notice of. They're pretty clever because they're so interested in everything. They can be a bit rude but that's only because they're very honest and will say exactly what they think. They love travel, fast cars and horse riding. They also love spending money, so a credit card should be avoided.

Capricorns are lucky. They are the ones who look younger as they get older. They are very attractive and neat and once they get over their shyness they are quite aggressive. They can be trusted to keep a secret and are really great in emergencies. Sometimes they are a little bit impulsive but as their intuition is pretty strong, they usually make the right decisions. They're creative, sensitive and patient. On a bad day they can be jealous, selfish and moody. They are very close to their family and are usually the last ones to leave home.

Firstly, you can't tell an Aquarian anything - they already know! In fact, they are the know-alls of the zodiac. They are original, inventive and very smart. They are very peculiar in the way they dress. Wearing footy(football) socks with a suit could be quite normal! They are nearly always late arriving anywhere because time means nothing. The telephone is their lifeline so they would rather ring their next-door neighbour than fraternise over the fence. They are so friendly even the dog down the street will find its way to the Aquarian house...and stay.

Pisceans are extremely psychic and can amaze people with their uncanny ability to predict things. They are usually gifted in anything creative from designing to music. They are also very clever when they want to be. They have the most stunning eyes and that's the first thing that attracts the opposite sex. They are probably the first ones to start a rumour and could find it a bit tough to keep a secret. They are everyone's friend so can be a touch easily led because fish have no backbones. In other words they can't say 'no'. Pisceans like quiet places and beautiful surroundings and probably wouldn't thank you for giving them a surprise party.

 It's a rather true horoscope. As for me I have found a lot of similar things)))

 )))))oh.. i believe in stuff like that.. i`m Pisces, and the last paragraph .. IT`S ALL ABOUT ME!!!!

 I am Sagittarius)))

 my sister is Sagittarius too. i get on well with them )) nice to meet ya, my namesake;))

 nice to meet you too))))))))))

 I am Pisces and it is all scarily accurate :)

 yeah, I just reread this horoscope....it's amazingly true!

 I`m Pisces.. but sometimes it feels like i am Sagittarius, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn.. i'm everything..

 "I am everything and everywhere", right? =))