Only English!


 In this topic you can post ONLY IN ENGLISH! (ну, если возникнут некоторые трудности - можно уж парочку слов на русском=)))
Let's start dealinds!

 Let's =)
I've just been wondering why it's so really dull here and no one's going to reply...maybe everyone just thinks it's bad to write on walls))

 It's dull cuz we have no topic to discuss( Is there any idea?

 Hello! How do you do?

 Hello all!I want to offer you a topic to discuss-what about your universities?Do you like being a student or u miss school years??

 hi all. what can i say about my institute? i don'y like it at all. i've been waiting 4 a moment when i graduate. i regret i entered it. but anyway it gives us knowledges... i really hope it will grow to a real INSTITUTE with its students' clubs, parties...
in fact it is not a good idea 4 this topic in my case.
tell me how it happened that everyone of u began studying english

 i was bad at english at school, though in my childhood i had had an opportunity to socialize with the American.but at school we didn't have a good english teacher. at the 7th form(sorry, i really have got problems with prepositions!)a new theacher came to our school and she was so cute and clever that a year later i could speak enlish well!of course there were mistakes, but we started from the very beginning.thanx to her, some years later with another teacher i was allowed not to come to the english classes!(free attendance).and thanx to this theacher i've found the profession of my life, сonnected with the language.

 I agree that success in language depends of teacher a lot.Fortunatly,my English language teachers were wonderful not as teachers only but as people,too!My...классная руководительница(sorry i have doubts about english version),my last year institute teacher(L.B.-best regards!) and now i am a future translator(or interpreter)...

 I have been learning German at school and university but I still don't know that language because it wasn't cause to learn. I saw that all the manuals and guides were written in English. Then I began to read English texts which were translated by automatic translators like PROMPT then I noticed that I understand original English text better than automatically translated one. I realized that I have to learn one foreign language to enter post graduate and I decided to learn English seriously. When I began to learn English it was so easy in compare with German. And now I can even think in English, watch English television etc I really like it. I can only remember that horrible time of my life when I tried to learn German with a lot of grammatical difficulties..

 I agree with Mr.Tolkov completely. German was the second language in my institute. Though I had "4" in German, I didn't like it. I liked English considerably more.

 Hmm, a few people here have quite a good English.
Hey, amigos! What do you know about Political Correctness?

 What do you mean?
*Hey, amigos!* - are you dissappointed because there's no topic for chatting in Spanish?

 Nein. Cos I want to have a talk about PC.

 Hi!I entered the English departament of the Pedagogical University to study English,but then I realised that I now I know ABOUT the language itself,but can't speak fluently:(Sometimes it seems to me that I knew English much better when I wasn't a student

 2 Alex Balinov:
Sugar Honey Iced Tea, I'm being a bit retarded after having spent the whole day at the university, you know...)

 hello, anybody are planing to go in USA in this summer by programme Work and Travel?


 Hello everybody! What about Summer Work&TRavel program? Who goes to Tennessy state?

 Hey everyone! California is the paradise! i love the ocean!

 I think so! I'll go to Los-Angeles this summer=)

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