Noone can do dat like us! FLEX alumnies here


 Fill this in:

1) name¤t location
2) year of your participation
3) state
4) town
5) high school
6) grade
7) activities/communities
8) short description of your hosts
9) your experience:
- extremely positive
- positive
- neutral
- negative
- extremely negative
10) planning to come back/visit
11) extra comments maybe?

 Ok let me be the first, hopefully not the last one))

1) Luba, StPetersburg
2) 05-06
3) Alabama
4) Alabaster
5) Thompson High School (go warriors!)
6) I was a sophemore (what a loser)
7) spirit community (painting banners for football games), key club, volunteering and that's it. yep i was a lazy student)))
8) Trista(31), James(35), 2 little kids (adopted from Russia!), and two crazy dogs (labs). Average american family, nice house, lots of relatives.
9) I'd almost say extremely positive
10) yep that'd be nice to get a summer job there but I'm not planning to move there
11) Oh dear lots of memories! I'm happy that I had good relationships with my host parents - we were more like friends i could talk to Trista about everything, i had a lot of freedom - e.g no problems with being at a party all night long.
High School - it was funny how I adjusted but it's a story for the next time) The most that i got from High School - my best friend Jeff, we still keep in touch and we will meet again i know it.
One of the best memories - my trip to New York. Dude that was freakin awesome!

 1)Masha, Kirov-Moscow
5)Norfolk Senior High
7)V-ball, tennis, DECA, choir, volunteering at the vet clinic....
8)Awesome family: LaRayne & Don, they have kids and even grandkids, but they live by themselves...We've spent a lot time together. I was 7th and the last exchange student in their family... Oh, I forgot about two dogs and 3 cats (only one inside cat...)
9)Extremely positive!!!
10)Of course I want to go over there! I don't know when yet, but I'll go there!!!
11)We've travelled a lot! - Orlando(Florida), Denver (Colorado), South Dakota... I've met awesome friends - Shahlo from Uzbekistan and Cecile from France: so much loughing.... I'm still smiling when I remember that fun we had together!!!!

3) MN
4) Minneapolis/St.Paul
5) Nacel International School
6) junior
7) drama class
8) dont wanna talk 'bout my first one, coz it was aweful, but second one was kinda nice.
9)- extremely positive!!!
10) kinda working on that, it's a shame i coulnt make it this year, but I hope ill go see my friends some time. I dont think I want to stay there, but I still miss my friends a lot
11) FLEX is awesome and I went to this totally cool private international school!!!!

 1) Irina, Kiev, Ukraine (for this summer- Staples, MN)
2) 2004-2005
3) MN
4) Staples
5) Staples-Motley High School
6) senior
7) volunteering in Staples Alliance church
8) wonderful family: host dad - disabled veteran, host mom - from Sevastopol, host brother - her son from Ukraine as well
10) I am back right now on another exchange program - Work and Travel, working in a Staples Dairy Queen. I'm back to my host family and my high school friends
11) I'm really lucky to have FLEX as part of my life experience. LIFE IS GOOD!!!

 Fill this in:

1) name¤t location - Kseniya Zachek, St.Petersburg, Russia
2) year of your participation - 2004-2005
3) state -Arkansas
4) town - Little Rock
5) high school - Parkview Arts and Science Magnet HS
6) grade - 12
7) activities/communities - Drama
8) short description of your hosts - hospitable =) h-mom and h-dad
9) your experience:
- more than just positive
10) planning to come back/visit - I hope so!
11) extra comments maybe? - I work now as a FLEX alumni coordinator at the Spb's office

 1) Vladislav Perelman, Ufa, Russia
2) 2005/2006
3) MN
4) St.Paul
5) Nacel International School!!!
6) 11th
7) Choir, volunteering in church
8) host mom - manager in post office, host dad - ministere in 2 churches...wonderful people, for some weird reason they just loved me:D
9) wowowow, no other words really:) it trully was the best year of my life so far, incredible friends, school, family!
- extremely positive
10) HELL YEAH!!!
11) peace?! haha jk:) life is gooood:) that's it!

 Fill this in:

2) 2006-2007
3) TEXAS!!
4) Wills Point (lol you won't find it on tha map!!)
5) Wills Point High Hchool
6) Junior
7) Tennis,Soccer,comunity service at Football games,in Church,building a Play Ground for little kids
8) Tha coolest host familiy ever!Mom,lil bro-Christopher(15)lol,n 2 lil sisters adopted from russia(but they dont speak russian):Mariya(10) n Darya(8)
9) My experience?Extremely positive!!!Pobably one of the best life experiencies in my life!
10) I really want to come n see my friends n host family!!I miss them alot!But then....who knows?
11) Oh Gosh!"I got memories!This is crazy..!"The whole city knows me,n that is awesome!I had so many friends over there!!!!N my best friend-Danielle Booker!She is awesome!!!I love her so much!She is african-american,n Im just so extra-super-freakin-happy,that she's my BFF!!!!N most of them good friends,were black(I even went to prom wit a black guy!!OMG!Prom of tha most memoriable nights in my life!!)-n I enjoyed this new n cool experience so much!I love you Dani,ur my BFF!!Ima wait for you to come n visit me,n then we'r gonna have a blast-as we always did!!

 1) Olga Bukach, Vladivostok
2) 1003-1004
4) Smyrna
5) Smyrna High School
6) senior
7) Band, Drama, Jazz band, chess club
8) Wonderful HF, Mom-Dad-Hbrother-Hsister, joined both sibblings in all afterschool activities; Dad has a great sence of humour, Mom speaks 2-3 phrases of Russian, used to live in Itlay... love them:)
9) Positive, sure. though when i look back i do find things that i'd like to do differently...
10) Would love to visit my hosts... may be in several years...
11) Sometimes it feels like i never lived this year.

You know I've got kind of the same feeling!!! That year stands out of my life. It's like a dream or a movie, but not my life!!

 2 Maria:
but it's kind of a weird feeling, you know! i mean, i look at all those pics, everything is a proof that i actually WAS there:) hm... an interesting phsycological phenomenon...

 Fill this in:

1) Olya, Moscow
2) 2002-03
3) Michigan
4) Caledonia, near Grand Rapids
5) Caledonia HS
6) senior
7) Choir, track, singing on my own, hanging around)
8) I had a wonderfull family! We still get in touch and I'm planning to the back next year as a tourist)
9) extremely positive, i love my friends and family!

10) yeah, next year
11) All I wanna say is that I extremly liked the people, but I kinda hated the living of them...its soooooo boaring. They made excuses for me and all-year round we were travelling, but the real life is so so so different from what we have in Russia.


 Zdras'te!Ya poka ne alumni, no tozhe otmechus'!
1)Katya,Kaliningrad( nu voobwe to sejchas Southlake,TX)
2)2007 -'08
5)Carroll Senior High School
7)swimming, concerts, fests!!!!!
8)oh, I like them so much!
10)don't konw...
11)Thank you FLEX!!!!!

 Ya iz starichkov, sudya po vsemu :)
) Anastasia Yevdokimova, St. Petersburg
2) 1995/96
3) NY
4) Wayland
6) 12
7) Rotary
8) The Fowler family - Jean (mother), Steve (her son of my age), Lisa (daughter, two years younger)
9) experience:
- positive
10) have back to visit many times


 Fill this in:

1) Valeriya Kasatlina, St.Petersburg, Russia
2) 2006-2007
3) South Carolina State
4) Nichols
5) Green Sea Floyds High School
6) 11 grade
7) Prom Commetee, Tennis
8) They are really nice
9) your experience:
- more than just positive
10) planning to come back/visit - I hope so!
11) Would love to work for FLEX!

 1) Evgeniya Barakhnina, Witten , Germany
2) 1997-98
3) Wisconsin
4) Independence
5) Ind. High
6) Senior
7) Debates, Forensics
8) typical american family: mom, dad, 2 kids, 3 cars, a cat and a dog
9) was a great year, would love to do it again :)
10) was several times, visiting school friends, holidays, may be next year again
11) live in Germany now, originally from Udmurtia (Russia)

 1)Julia Lutikova, Moscow
5)Clarke County H.S.
7)Tennis, soccer, volunteering in church & community, red cross...
8)Nancy (24), Jacob (27). No kids! I was the only one! It was their first experience!:) haha! Now they have a baby- Lydia! Still can’t figure out why they decided to call her like that...Really nice people!
9)Very positive.. it’s still really hard to live without them being around..
10)100%!!! Really want to do it!
11)It was a nice year.. we had some little problems.. Well, as everyone had, I guess… but I can’t even describe how much States changed my life…in a positive way!

 1) Artem Melnikov, snezhinsk
2) 2006-2007
3) PA
4) Da Port (Williamsport)
5) Williamsport Area High
6) Senior
7) Basketball, soccer + outdoors stuff
8) Sally and John Butterfield + Jessy(22) and Stacey(27) /// they are awesome)
9) extremely positive /// nithnig like that year happened to me
10) yep ... probably this spring ... hosts invite me
11) WMSPT High for life

 Fill this in:

1) Katya Kuznetsova, Rostov-na-Donu
2) 2006-2007
3) Florida
4) Williston
5) WHS
6) Junior
7) Tennis, Junior club, Women's club
8) I loved them! Barbara(41), Jared(16) and Kelsey(13). We still keep in touch, hope to visit them one day)))
9) your experience:
- extremely positive - everything was really good, certainly there were some
things I didn't like, but I MISS it now so much and want to go visit everybody again!!!

10) planning to come back/visit - Sure, I want to do it so much)))
11) extra comments maybe? I love FLEX)))

 1) Saule, Moscow
2) 2002-2003
3) CO
4) Colorado Springs
5) William J. Palmer High School
6) 12th, Senior
7) Forensics Club, Debate, Hiking, Tennis, Biking, Hanging out with friends, Shopping, Parties, Travelling...
8) Actually I had 2 host families. I had a bad experience with the first one (too military, too CIA, too Air Force)...
My second host family is GREAT!!! I had a host Dad (computer engineer), Mom (doctor's assistant), two host sisters (most beautiful girls Meaghan and Morgan!!), grandpa, grandma, 3 dogs: Denali, Chipita, Yogi and 2 cats (can't remember them... just don't like cats)... They are still (after 5 years) a part of my heart... It was so much Fun living with them!
9) My experience is EXTREMELY POSITIVE!!! I lived with IRISH!!!
10) No doubt!
11) FLEX students are the BEST!!!

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