what universities have you entered?


 yeah)) i can not believe it( what does it mean - free of charge? "на бюджетной основе"?

 i cannot understand ur question. what does it mean thah i'll be short-specialiesed? and in this University i can decide what languages i can study besides english and another compulsary language, which head Quarter of the university will make me to study, of course if i study well english and another compulsary language

 yes, i've entered "economic and management" , Tourism is a part of this faculty. i 'm going to study there

 Ah..great!:)) There're not such linguistic universities here..that's why I've to learn only languages at 1st then I'm planning to study tourism, too, colleague ;))

 pleased to hear that. ho long are u planning to learn languages? 1 course? or more? when are u going to start studying tourism?

 I have entered Moscow State University named in Lomonosow, the department of economics. I will learn two foreign languages. But I have always dreamt of filological faculty. Unfortunatly, it is not my destiny.

 ecomonomists, lawyers.... you're so numerous. you 're gonna capture this world! Moreover, it's terribly boring !

 I am sure that economists finished MSU will be high-qualified. We won't have problems with an employment. Maybe, it is rather boring but you will have a well-paid job. I had not any choice.

 so, good luck to u.

 I also entered the Moscow State University named in Lomonosov in the Faculty of Sociology,free of charge, too.

 Kuban State University, History faculty, Sociology department

 I study at the Povolzhskiy State University Telecommunications and Informatics, Basic Telecommunication's Education faculty, Photonics.

 I've entered Moscow state Un of Linguistic