Other bugs
Please, see my screen here: photo-115535_133486996
(на русском)
option of 'online friends' not being desplayed on my home page.
when i post something on MY wall
and someone report it as spam
it's automatically "deleted"
should it first notify me about it, or ask me if it should mark as spam
fix it
Hey guys, how i can add college to my education, because there is no way to add new college.(colleges that are on the list isn't real colleges)
почему я не могу видеть friends updates?????????????????????/
Что у вас там случилось, ребят? Я уже второй день подряд не могу увидеть свои фотки и фотки некоторых др. людей.
Говорит: "Сервер с фото Временно отключен"
Не знала куда это хапостить, если надо, могу на англ. написать :))))
I can't access any of my videos, pictures, or music. Every time I try to listen to any of my music, for example, I get the "Извините, сервер с этой записью временно недоступен" error message. It's been like this for a while now, help please!!
This is a problem with electricity.
what happen with our albums now is it something wrong?
This is a bug in the server. Electricity fault
Вы уверены, что хотите отписаться от комментариев к этой фотографии?
"Загрузка новостей"
"последние 50 новостей"
переведите блин!
I am new to Kontakte. Is there a source of basic informatio? And, specifically, how does one change their password?
there is a problem on searching area. when i tried to search with country the list of countries is over isreal.. there is no counties other like turkey..
Warning! Transactions with votes must be made from your deleted server.
Наверное надо REMOTE server, вместо deleted.
А то смешно читать.
The whole of the videos section is completely f-ed up , All the navigation buttons at the top dissapear when I go there
Someone knows how to close an account ? thx
why when i want to regester school in city Chernovtsy it gives only 3 schools. There are more than 3 schools in this city but u can not put any # of the school higer than 3
How to change language ??? My firefox isn't in russian, so vkontakte is in english! Can't find this option... Plz help...
Could you add the following information concerning the University of Geneva (UNIGE) in Switzerland please?
Department of physics
- Condensed matter physics (DPMC)
- Particle physics (DPNC)
- Theoretical physics (DPT)
- Group of applied physics (GAP)
- Astrophysics
Thank you very much!!!