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 Hi all!

 Hi there! ;-)

 How are you? There is a bad weather? I want a sun and many birds.

 I'm fine thanks. And how are you doing?
Can I fix you? instead of "there is a bad weather" I think you mean: "Here is a bad..."
Yeah, it whould be nice a lot of birds and many flowers.

 You not only fix me! You must fix me! It's my goal to write here and other people correct my sentences. I'll be very glad if you or other guys and girls ... чот я завис :))), ну ты понял :)))

It's interesting idea to speak English in spesial group. :)


 Hi! I think it's great idea to create this group for people, who want to practice in English. And I think we need to meet at first! (Correct me, if i wrong)
I'm from Moscow. So where are you live? =)))

 I'm from Feodosiya and Dnepropetrovsk

 Nice to meet you! Could you tell me about your city a little? Because i never been there.

 And which of this two cities do you live? Or you mean that you born in Feodosiya and now live in Dnepropetrovsk?

 I was born in Rassia. When I was 3 mounth, I went to Feodosiya. Now I`m living in Dnepropetrovsk.
Feodosia is the beautifull city. The grate people live there, for example Aivasovskiy, brothers Green.
Feodosiya is ancient touwn. It`s more then 25 centures.
There are a lot of people relax there in summer.
More and more tell about Feodosya. If do you have any question, I with pleasure answer you.
Tell me about your touwn?

 Moscow is amazing city. There are many well-known people born in Moscow. Moscow is the capital of Russia, and one of the most cosmopolitan and expensive cities in the world!

 Dear Nastya, tell me more about "brothers Green", I don't know who are these.
Besides, in my opinion, in the sentence "It`s more then 25 centures" it's mistake use the word "then", may be you want to write "than". Right?

Dear Volodya, it's true, Moscow is very expensive city, especially your prices on the apartments.

But I want to open one really truth - the best city of the world is Dnepropetrovsk :) because... because I love him and I like to live there

 Dear Alexey, I think that the best city in the world is the city, where you happy to live and this city make you proud. My lovely city is the Moscow. And im glad, that your lovely city is the Dnepropetrovsk. It's OK! =)))

 Dear Alexey, brothers Grem wrote the famous novell "scarlet sail" (алые паруса). They are the famous writes and they lived in Feodosiya.

Besides, in my opinion, in the sentence "It`s more then 25 centures" it's mistake use the word "then", may be you want to write "than". Right?
I agree with you.

 People, would you like to talk about job and hobby? =)))

 My first job was work in Privat bank. Privat bank is undisputed leader in Ukraine. It produses the volume plastics cards every mounth.
But work in privat bank had a lot of disadvantages for me. For exampl, my job was very stress. i had a small salary and long work day.
But i relax and summon one`s strength. I find new job. And I want that my new job will сonnect with economy and communication with foreigner.
As for my hobby, it`s different. I like listen to different music, play computer games, communicate with my friends.

 Hi all. Sevarell weeks ago I tried to talk about my job but it turned out not so simple how I thought. Moreover then I caught the problem past which all my written text has not saved :( (please, correct me, I feel low quality in my grammar in this sentence).
Dear Nastya I don't understood your "But i relax and summon one`s strength" - explain me more claerly, please.
By the way, do you use a dictionary or any software for this forum? I confess to using PC program "Lingvo".
So, my second real job (excluding different not serious jobs on study life) is management accountant in the plant "Dnepropetrovsk oil extraction plant", the owners of it is the big world company Bunge. Our plant produce well-known sunflower oil. In Ukraine and in other country of CSI we use brand "Oleina" but we also use brand "Ideal" for only to export in Russia.
Sorry, I'm slowly slipping so I haven't a power to write about my hobby, next time...
P. S. I can't not add that your mother f...., hell "undisputed leader in Ukraine" a group Privat used dirty methods for illegal takeover our plant in 1,5 years ago with the help of the so-called "Raider attack". Фиг вам ... sorry, dear Nastya, I mean "Фиг им" :)

 Dear Alexey, "But i relax and summon one`s strength" means to collect one's strength or gather oneself up.

 People, let our introduce yourselves?