Практика: общаемся на английском!


 Страничка для общения на АНГЛИЙСКОМ

 только ЗА!!!

 so how is evrybody doing right now?

 I going to the каток at half past thre o'clock!))

)))Много ошибок?

 Now I'm working and sometimes look in window. The weather isn’t fine, fog is everywhere. I don’t like foggy weather. I hope that the weather on holiday will be better than today.

 I hope too))

 I see that topic doesn’t make use popularity. :)


 Fortune favours the bold. (Счастье сопутствует смелым.)

 Аha! I think as you, but I want just add - and clever people.


 The Friday - libertine. I like Friday. Friday is a good day.
I want going to a street, but I must sit at an office. :(
Soon I going to a fresh air. :)

 Friday is.. пятница? I forgot...

 Пятница - развратница :)

 фуу..интнэшл хаус--сакс..ит из бэте ту лерн инглиш бай ёселф..!!))

 Вай сакс??

 по моему бредовая тема (простите)

 Annie Mc-Хома, бай ё сэлф вряд ли получится хорошо

 ))Ай эгри выз Марина

 i think, that it is possible to learn english at home, but you must have somebody to talk with him. Because without practice you will forget everything very quickly. And actually practice is the our goal.

 I agree with Ярослав Кабашный. Practice is a best method to learn english or other language.

 It looks like you don't understand me correctly. Practice is important, but grammar is also necessary.

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