Ассистент из Австралии - Эмили.


 Как вы, наверно, уже заметили, у нас вот уже вторую неделю работает ассистент из Австралии - Эмили.
Эта очаровательная барышня приехала к нам специально для того, чтобы обучить нас с вами всем тонкостям своего родного языка. А ввиду этого не стесняйтесь задавать ей все интересующие вас вопросы как профессионального, так и личного характера.
Вы можете делать это прямо здесь, как на английском (что самомо собой разумеется лучше), так и на русском языках. Мы постараемся зарегистрировать Эмили здесь, чтобы вы тут же могли получать ответы, но если у нас это не получится, то ответы на ваши вопросы вы всегда сможете получить у меня или у Германа, если не у самой Эмили.
НЕ СТЕСНЯЙТЕСЬ СВОИХ ОШИБОК!!!У вас их почти нет, у вас просто мало опыта!!!!Тренируйтесь, ведь для того вы и ходите 2 раза неделю в наши родные стены!!!

 а млин, времени нет... хотя можно поболтать. забавная она.)))

 I would like to ask Emlily what kind of cultural events she's expecting to see in Novgorod and what she would like to do besides teaching, while she's around?

 Hello, i am very happy to be part of the Folk University Group! it is very exciting...now to answer your questions...i am going to the theatre with Jenna, Polina and Tanya! Yay! I would love to see anything that people could reccomend! So please tell me places that would be interesting for a foreigner - like me. I would more of the countryside while i am here.

 The last sentence is wrong! i ment to say i would love to see more of the countryside while i am here.

 it`s possible, but... russian countryside is completly different to Australian one.. and i hope nobody`ll trust u at home)))) i`m kidding)

 I would like to know when Emily will begin to give master class or this teaching will be consist only from questions and answers. Thank you!!!!!

 Well i am not supposed to teach by myself as i am not a qualified teacher so i will just be coming into classes to help the teachers at Folk University in any way i can. i dont think i would be a very good teacher by myself! i dont know much russian so i could not explain things very well... :)

 I hope that i will see you tomorrow at the lessons. Perhaps you will want to read something interesting for us, for exsamle, how right get acquainted with girl, what to say and what kind of phrase may ruin the beginning conversation?

 That could be an interesting conversation! But i think i could give you some ideas of what not to say. Whose lessons i come to depends on which teacher wants me in their class. So if you want me to go to your lesson get them to write it on my timetable and i will be there.

 Pahaps, will be better hear you not on lessons. How busy you are?

 well lets see, i help at Kvant until 13:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. and i am helping at Folk University everynight but fridays. that is my schedule!

 I am work at Kvant factory, we may will meet there, or in other place?

 That is't factory Kvant i have knew. You are so inaccessible, why so long you were answering????

 Sorry! i keep forgetting to look at this sight! and no the kvant mean is a school near Folk University!

 woops i wrote school twice...that is not right

 Will you go tomorow to watch the game? Have you ever play?

 i would love to but i dont know where it is! and no i have never played...

 I also don't know where, and have never played, Герман Иванов (boss) always invite us, but I play volleyball in nice team and belive that's enouth sport in my live/ So and you, It will be fine warm-up for you/

 i think i may just watch today!

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