New Year 2009 - how was it?


 Can't wait to hear your stories! Interesting, funny, long or short - doesn't matter! Share them with us!

 Wery well! For me, new 2009 year is full of fear about future life and exams of course... I dont like learning something with usual school metods. If fairly I can learning alone. And Learning something at school never could't bring me enything difficult. Some homework I don't doing, but on classes I always can answer. We started learning english when I was at the fifth grade. For two years I thought that I don't need english, but in 10 grade I started learning it, because in one moment my life has seriously altered. And feeling of purpose came to me. I hope, that I will pass english exam on good mark... In our city(Archangelsk) goverments has canceled verbal exam's part It's bond with moneyless of city budget. And now I dont know for good it or for bad...

 would you like me to correct your mistakes? :)

 Of cours I need it!

 If fairly I can learning alone - didnt really understand what you meant here....
And teaching at school never could't bring me enything difficult. - teaching at school wasn't difficult for me?
Some homework I don't doing, but on classes I always can answer. - didn't do, in classes I could always answer
For two years I thought that english don't need to me - have thought, that I don't need English
because in one moment my life is seriously altered. - has seriously changed
I'm hope - I hope
In our city(Archangelsk) goverments are canceled verbal exam's part - government has cancelled verbal part of the exam
It's bond with moneyless of city budget. - it is due to lack of money in the city's budget
And now I dont know for good it or for bad... - don't know if it's for good or bad

well, that's itl :) if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask :)

 Some homework I don't doing, but on classes I always can answer. - didn't do, in classes I could always answer
Why must be in Past? It's not a letter.

 because in one moment my life is seriously altered. - has seriously changed
I'm hope - I hope
Thanks - it's foolish mistake.

 I know a lot of words but I am not strong in grammar.

 Some homework I don't doing, but on classes I always can answer. - ok, you can say that in present... some homework i don't do, but in class i can always answer...

I know a lot of words but I don't strong in grammar. - but i am not strong in grammar

it's ok :) you will learn ;)

 Real thanks for your support! I'm so inattentive^^