Did FCE\/CAE\/IETLS\/TOEFL help you?


 I passed FCE several yares ago....haven't got any benefit from it........

 You won't believe, but I did pass FCE )))))))))))))) Actually, I don't know what for... Many years ago in the Active's paper there was an article claiming that it'll help you in your job... but only in big cities.

 By the way, why are you asking? Do you have any doubts about CAE?

 what doubts? i'm going to do it anyway!

 So why asking? First pass, then you'll see what benefit does it give... =)))

 There's no harm in asking, is there???

 absolutely no harm!

 I wonder how you manage to think about exams after midnight? =))

 'cause i got up at 2 p.m.:)))))))) i'm an "owl';-)

 who kows smth about IELTS?

 I had to teach IELTS last year and I hated it because it is soooo specific that you get lost very easily. I know that you are not supposed to understand the graphs and just comment on them but I still think that it helps if you are a tiny bit good at economics!

 thanks a lot)

 Yes, it does help!!!

 I've asked many people ab. these exams. Some of them thought they do really help, but in most cases the answer was: "It's useless and doesn't worth the paper it's written on. You must have at least A grade in CAE to get a good job".(((((((((

 I've recently passed IELTS. Waiting for the results. If i get at least 6.5, starting from September i'll study in the UK. So, apparently, that's a benefit

 i had given toefl last month..got a good score too...

 i passed IELTS last year and got the overall score of 8. for me writing was probably the hardest part. i don't think that it really helps you improve your english abilities just tests your stamina and all.