As if he hadn't attempted to soak the club for all it was worth last year, Justaminute has struck us again by bad-mouthing the club to the venue. According to the dirty old Khokhol, MECC is a den of sin and inequity, in which lecherous native English-speakers ply young girls with drinks and everyone engages in wicked debauchery. Is there any way we can get back at this guy?

My suggestion is to find out if he rents his flat. If so, we can offer the landlady more money for it, so that she raises his rent. Alternately we could just bad-mouth him to her. Previously it was suggested that we could put his daughter's name on intimcity or another such site, but I think we'd be better off turning her against him, if that's possible. The man is a pathetic loser, soaking a social club for cash and then bad-mouthing it when people catch on to his incompetance.

 Travis; my personal humble opinion is that u gotta get over it.

The guy lost his leadership and does not affect the club anymore. He gets about 1/5 of ur salary (not atm, since i think u r unemployed recently) and certainly not a rival or nemesis to u. Just let him be.

His opinion about native speakers using club as the place to hook up with chicks has some truth in it. Of course it is hypocrisy that he started caring about it only after he lost his leadership - it never bothered him before. It is also silly stereotyping to put all native english speakers in the same category; there r also intelligent and smart guys like Stephen & David who visit the club.

On the other hand, I think ur ridiculous in magnitude obsession with the guy does barely give any favor to u and is doubtfully useful for the club.

 "Previously it was suggested that we could put his daughter's name on intimcity or another such site"

At first reading I overlooked this sentence. With such suggestions u make terrible impression of americans. Fortunately I was lucky enough to know a lot of great americans too. Honestly, Olga could have done much better.

 Well I can't say I'm fond of Myhalych, but involving his daughter in this matter is not a good deal...

 As for Yulia, that was more or less a joke going around at the time I wrote that... As for Olga, you're welcome to hit that - I really don't understand why you would put her on a pedestal. It's only a 2-room soviet flat, for God's sake. I'm sure none of the great Americans you've known have settled for anything so squalid. Then again, you'd probably appreciate the 'good ecology' that many have raved about having found around architecturally destitute mass-produced apartment blocks outside the center of the city.