What does friendship mean for you?


 As for me i can't imagine my life without my friends!They are very funny.....

 What a friendly opinion. I can even envy such an opinion.

 Sometimes your friends form some kind of society, that you can trust.

 a real friend is hard to find difficult to leave and impossible to forget

 Your enemy can't backstab and betray you, but a friend can.)))

 Why not? An enemy assassin can!

 well))) he can backstab only but not betray)))

 But a friendly assassin also... What a pity :(

I've never thought of this situation))))))))))

 Good friends are like stars. Even if you dont see them, they are always with you

 Oh. Such a goddamn fresh quotation.

 I think that our friends are very important in our life. and its very difficult to find the realy best friends, who have the same life style. I think you can have many acquaintances but not friends.

 I agree with you!!!In our life a lot of people think that they have a lot of friends,but it is not true...They have a lot of acquaintances...

 Some people have no friends, only stooges and flunkeys. But in need they have a risk to become completely alone.

 Yes, I agree with you... Sometimes people don't understand that they have no REAL friends... They go for walks, smile, discuss different topics and so on... But they haven't true friendship....(((

As for me, my friends are very inportant part of my live...

You real friends know the music of your heart and can sing it if you forget the words ))))

 Wow, Alenka, beautiful words )))
But I must say that although it's difficult to live without real friends, nevertheless, it's possible. My real (true) friends live very far from me... I tried to find new ones, but it's difficult...
So I have some people to spend free time with, but I never ask them for help or tell them secrets or problems.

 Оля... Yes, of course... But it's very sad...

Have one friend is luck... Have two friends is real happiness... But it's impossible to have three frieds... (These are not me words.)

Оля, but you have true frinds, because though the distances your friendship does't die... And it is so great!!!!

 Friendship means really a lot to me... All my friends are in Russia and I have no chance to see them. Here, in Germany, I have found no friends yet, the germans differ from the russians so much...

 Very lot...

 my real friends-it`s my life.I wiill strike for them always in any circumstances

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