FLEX Photo Contest 2008


FLEX Alumni Photography Contest

The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the United States Department of State is pleased to announce the sixth annual “Faces of FLEX” photography contest. The goal of this contest is to gather the best images of FLEX alumni in action, as they promote the English language and American culture, democracy building, community and volunteer service, and professional development in their communities. Photos might show alumni working with children, participating in training seminars, using technology, interacting with the public or carrying out alumni grant projects. The best photos will be used both in the United States and Eurasia to communicate the impact of the FLEX alumni program.

Rules and guidelines:
1. Contestants should submit photos of FLEX alumni activity to the photo contest web site at www точка flexphotocontest точка org
2. Every photo submission must include the photographer's name, the year the photographer participated in the FLEX program, a title for the photograph, a description of the event in the photo, the date of the event, and a list of FLEX alumni in the photo. The contest participant may not be in the picture. Photos should depict activities, which took place in 2006 and 2007.
3. Participants may enter more than one photograph.
4. Contest winners will be selected by a jury from the Youth Programs Office of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
5. Winning photographs will be selected based on how well they depict the spirit of the FLEX program. The photos should demonstrate FLEX alumni developing the skills and knowledge they received in the U.S. Photos can feature events such as community service work, professional development activities, debates, Internet training, etc.
6. Photographs should be spontaneous shots of alumni in action. Posed photographs will not be competitive.
7. Only FLEX alumni are eligible to win prizes. Employees of American Councils or the U.S. government are not eligible to participate.
8. Paper photos may not be submitted.
Contest timeline:
September-February 1, 2008 Submit photo entries on line at flexphotocontest точка org
February 2008 Winners announced
Prizes: 1st place Camera
2nd – 3th place Photo albums, frames, photography books
More information: Eurasia FLEX Alumni Office in Moscow at fsaalumni at actr точка ru or (495) 230-4544 or 230-4582.


 тысяча чертей

 Hello FLEX Alumni!!!!!

The Faces of FLEX Photo Contest is finally over!

Throughout the course of the competition, we gathered... 374 photos
which is almost 80 photos more then last year! Congratulations
everyone and be sure to take a look at the pictures of awesome alumni
activities throughout Eurasia at www.flexphotocontest dot org! The results of the contest will be announced at the beginning of March.

Finally we managed to have the FLEX Photo Contest site completely fixed and now can offer new interesting and useful options. They are:

1. Large version of all the pictures and their full description are
now available. For that you simply need to click on each photo.

2. We fixed voting mechanism that allows youto rate the photos
you like. For that you need to click on the photo and scroll down to
find the rate box. You can rate each photo 1-5 (5 being the highest
rate). Now attention, the most popular picture among alumni will also
receive and award so please encourage your alumni to vote for the
pictures they like most! All votes made by March 10th will be counted!

3. All registered users can leave comments on every picture. The
comment box is located right below the rating box.

Please don't miss these opportunity! :-)