anyone from 2006-2007?


 would like to chat with anyone who went to USA during 06-07. I went to KS

 I did. I lived in WI

 did u like it? and by the way do u want to come back?

 of course i loved it!!! and i am fucking going back, no way i am staying here!!!

 same here!!! so tired of all this shit!!! r u like going to study or something there?

 i lived in MA!!!))))) i loved it...

 want to come back? planning on?

 ya tozhe v MA zhila '06-'07)))

 i really want to come back...
ОлькаUnknown, which part were you in???

 Pennsylvania ;)
06-07 rule :D
miss it!

 06-07 is the best anyway))))))

 NY 06-07!!!

 HI,Maui island
06-07 =)
wanna go back anywayz )

 ok, so i created ( kinda ) lol a group for students from 2006-2007
called " flex 2006-2007" everyone is welcomed to join :))))))))

 Hey!!!! I'm 2006/2007 alumny!! Right now I study in Kiev. I went to Oklahoma!!!! Woohoooo

 Baltimore, MD...
а что, родной язык все забыли?!
или просто гордость в одном месте играет?

 при чем тут гордость-то, е-мое? бред...

 no, but it is just like for example my native language is ukrainian and urs is russian, and so we would not have any confusion, i decided to speak english.
good enough argumentation, Андрей?

 2006-2007, Калифорния. сейчас учусь в ГУ-ВШЭ.

 согласен с Андреем, что за выкрутасы то? не понимаю я вас, американизированных элементов, забывших о своей культуре.

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