Бытовая беседа


 Two friends:
- I heard that you have made a band.
- Yes, it's a quartet.
- How many of you are there?
- There are three.
- Three?
- Me and my brother.
- You have a brother?
- No, why do you ask?

 Two friends:
- What is it: it weighs 500 pounds, it provides heat during the winter but hangs on the tree during the summer?
- ???
- It is a stove.
- A stove that hangs on a tree?
- Why does it matter to you where I keep my stove during the summer.

 Your hand on my steak

A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his finger over the meat.
"Are you crazy?" yelled the customer, "with your hand on my steak?"
"What" answers the waiter, "You want it to fall on the floor again?"

 Внимание! Революционный курс изучения иностранного языка на DVD с НУЛЯ и в кратчайший срок!
"Как Выучить Иностранный Язык Всего За 99 Часов, Даже Если Вы Считаете Себя Неспособным К Изучению Языков?" -http://kibershans.info/links/learnforeign.php