What makes a good teacher?


 enthusiasm, readiness to learn new ways of teaching, creativity, sense of humour, readiness always to help, ability to explain the material so that it is understandable and interesting for the pupils :)

 completely agree with you, Tatiana! In my opinion, one should also have talent to teach. To know your subject perfectly well doesn't mean being a great teacher. do you agree?

 sure, but i suppose "talent to teach" means ability to love children, patience, desire and ability to explain what you know yourself)

 well, desire to be a teacher, sense of responsibility, and menthal so-to-say stability)

 All mentioned above +a good motivated student!

 I think the main quality of a good teacher is a great desire to teach children, understand them and be open to their problems and feelings)) And ENORMOUS patience, of course.

 A feraful teacher teaches fear, a bored teacher teaches bore, an experienced teacher teaches eperience, an inelligent one teaches intelligence and so on...

 извините, что по-русски:

мне в штатах моя супервайзерша на практике сказала: "алина, ты слишком строгая, слишком жесткая. хорошая учительница должна обращаться со своими учениками, как со своим молодым человеком."

с тех пор пытаюсь этим руководствоваться. я студентов люблю, я их всегда рада видеть, я все для них готова сделать даром, я их прощаю, я им читаю нотации и ругаю за дело, я их хвалю, я им высказываю свои чувства и т.п

 Love to pupils!!!

 Love, Love, Love!!!
This profession developped my force for persuasion. So, persuasion! A bit of magic in the eyes.

 His students'success in learning ))) That's the principal goal!