Wanna speak ENGLISH? Tell us about your experience abroad.


 Hi! Nice to meet you here.

I'd like to start our first topic for english-speakers. Let's write here about our trips to other countries.

 This summer I spent in a little town in the middle of California called Lone Pine. It's a beautiful town with nice countrysides.

Here allways a lot of travellers. Lone Pine is located in High Sierra Mountains on the route 395. It's one of the most popular routes. In about 10 miles from me there was mountain Whitney, one of the biggest mountains in the US. It's height is about 15000 feets.

One time we climbed over there and I can say that it was the most exciting time in my life! It's wonderful!

Me and my friend Tolik were working at local McDonald's :) It seems funny and it realy is... We knew all our local clients and they liked to visit us at our work. Sometimes we organized some parties at our house. In spanish language PARTY is called FIESTA! So... in the US and in our state California many people from Mexico live. So... we've had some time to learn spanish ("Espanol", as they say).

Mexican people are very kind and hardworking. I like them.

Spending my time in the USA i understood that americans are good nation. They are not so fat and stupid as we think. Espacially in big cities... they are so clever and nice... we couldn't even imagine. They allways say "Sorry" or "Excuse me" if something is wrong. They hate their president as we are))) So... we can't judge people by their government.

If you have any questions, please write''s my blog)

 This summer I went to very small island- Malta. There's maltese languge,but country is bilingyal with english as their second language(or as first,I don't really know).
I spent there three weeks and met many people from all ower the world.Italians are very nice!!!Ther were so many spanish,because they have special educational programs in different countries nearly for free!
I didn't really like maltese english. Maltese poeole do not really have good English,but in general it was very entertaining and educational trip!


 My experience - school, private teachers, travel to USA and entering to the college in the ESL class.

English heare, in USA, and British English are very different. I like English very much, but not that kind of English what Im hearing every day ))

 when i was at 8-th form i went on a tour dy eurep. I was in London, Paris, Nurnberg, Bratislava and other countries. Ofcours, i was at Disnay Land :-) in Paris. Aifil tower is amaizing at night, the whol night Paris is wonderful.

 I was at the Disney Land and Disney Adventure in Caligornia. Disney Land is more for children than for adult. In that place you feel that you are in the magic land of your childhood fantasy after seeing Disney movies. But, near the Disney Land you can go to the Disney Adventure and have a fun of all that crazy roalcoasters )) That park isnt so beautiful and big than Disney Land, but attractions are amazing.

 Me and my friend Tolik tried to go to Disney Land in Anaheim, California, too. But we hadn't so much time to spend there because we had to go to Chicago on that day... so we went to the local Food4Less store and than went back to LA.

 Hi. My English is so bad yet, cos I began not long ago. And I didn't have any trips in other countries (yet). But I traveled on a Crimea in Ukraine. Actually I didn't met anybody who speak English on my trip. But it's not so important. More important is nature of Crimea. This mountains and rocks, streams and springs with a beautiful cold tasty water, forest... Life in NATURE. It's so... so... I don't even know any words in Russian to reproduce it.

 Hello. Many thanks for invitation. For me as for many other people is extremely important to speak English. Not only because I like it, but …this language has become the reality of our life. Language skills can help to understand different cultures , communicate with interesting people from over the world and finely can make us quite competitive in the world of job. Studying English ,it is very important to understand one fundamental thing, that is, English is not an aim but the one of the methods of communications. As tells my friend ,the possibility to speak to representatives of different nationalities makes us thinking in three -dimension way.
Unfortunately I have never been to English-speaking countries. But for one year I live in Italy. I am fall in love with this country in spite of a lot of difficulties in political and economical life. As it seems Italians are very gentiles and emphatic persons . There is no any problem for me to integrate into their culture.
Of cause there are some restrictions on the way of getting a job. They prefer to employ Italians or Europeans than us. Now I am working like culture mediator in one of the companies the activity of which is related to human rights. I can not say that this job meet my economical and prof. needs , but on this step of my llife I am quate glad. to We help to Ukrainian and Russian people to face the process of integration into the Italian life. If you only had known how many Ukrainians here in Bergamo. Maybe only this fact me help to make myself at home. For the end I need to say one more thing. What ever country you live in , you should always remember you culture and be proud of your motherland.


 IMHO it is too bad that en is so important point in life. I hate en, I hate languages at all. But I am a programmer so I can not imagine my life with out en. And I hate to RTFM on EN. :(((((

But your group is great ;)
10х for attention. I love u all.


 I can't speake english. But I want do it very mutch. Do you understand me?

 Hi everyone,
Unfortunately I have not been abroad, but I'd like to do it very much.

Svetlana I understand you, but you made two mistakes:
1) You should write speak intead of "speake"
2) you missed "to" after want. However you can use "wanna" insted of "want to"

Best regards,

 this summer i was in states - California - SD and LA, twice in Mexcio, a week in Chicago. I was so fuckin' awesome =)) CA - the best place to live!

speak english - be cool)))

xoxoxo - there is one more mistake - but it doesn't matter - the most important is desire to study.2 Pavel - your message ain't perfect tool - i'd paste one more word in your message in order to give proof of using Perfect

Unfortunately, I haven`t got an experience of living in English speaking countries. But I have many friends from USA, Great Britain... Mostly, I met them when I was in the vacation in Turkey. And I maintain your thoughts that knowing English is needfull nowadays.

Unfortunately, I have not been to any English-speaking country...but I would like ...And my best girlfriend lives in Denmark.

 Irina !

What would you like to do in English-speaking countries?

 Hi all!
Some years ago I've been to England, I lived in Bradford. It was really great experience!!! You never learn a language well until you stay, even for short period in language-speaking environment.
By the way, thanks for invitation!!!!

 Hi all!!
I have been learning English since school. That's why i dream about my future trip to the United States. I very want to make my language better!
As for my experience abroad, i was two times in Poland with my parents. i was as a translator for them. I had a chance to speak with americans from Alaska.

 Hi guys! Nice to meet you all:) This summer I was a camp counsellor in сonnecticut. There were also guys from South Korea, Hungary, Netherlands, Australia, England and only one Russian girl, Olga. Our duty was to watch kids all the time, lead cores, organize concerts and competitions. I had a chance to do climbing there. A special day was when we all went to the overnight in the forest, cooked burgers,hot-dogs and slept just under the sky in our sleeping bags.One American guy, whose name is Aaron tought me how to play african drums, since that time I'm in love with this instrument. In our free time all the international staff went somewhere. We were in Boston, NY, New Haven (where the famous Yale University is located). I can' t even express all the feelings and retell all the things that happened to me, but without a doubt it was the best simmer of my life!!!
And Dima is right, it's the politics of the governments that make people hate each other. In every country one can find real friends and foes and there are no "stupid nations".
Speaking about me I've learnt a lot of new things and got to know very interesting people, who will always be my firends. I really hope to see all of them again:)

 Hey guys!!! Nice to meet ya! I'm Kate, I'm from Ukraine, Nikolaev. Now I'm an exchange student in United States.....if someone wants to know, I'm in state of Idaho[west of country]. It's pretty fun here, & it's a great opportunity to sdudy English, find new cool friends, & had great experiense, which you would never forget!!!! It's so sad, that my program is almost over, I have just a few months(well, basecally three). I've been to US for six months already & I could say that I would love to reccomend FLEX(Future Leaders Exchange)program to all Ukrainian and Russian High School Students. First of all it cost you NOTHING, I mean only your knowlage. Second it the best experiense in your life. Third, you would never forget that nice, friendly and good people, who took care of you, I mean your HOST-PARENTS. Fourth of all, you'll find a lot of friends, and you will have opportunity to do all fun staff w/ your exchange students friends, like volountiring, community service....etc.
Well it was nice talking to you, but I need to return to my Keybording class...I'm spending my class time :).......
See ya, guys!

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