For native speakers ONLY


 Any comments from native English speakers are welcome here.

Русских товарищей просьба не тратить время.


 Everything is good so far! Leave the time format as is. CPACEBA!

 In the advanced search (and I'm sure other places) you have Education Mode with options full-time, part-time, etc. A better phrase may be Educational Status.

 «Обзор фотографий» could maybe be 'All my photos'

 In the 'notes' section where there are no notes it is written 'no one note is found.' This should be instead 'No notes' or 'No notes found'. Also it would sound nicer to say 'My Friends' Notes' instead of 'Friends' Notes' (if they are, in fact, notes written only by your friends).

 Better to say 'You have been invited by' than 'you are invited by'. 'Ignore all invites' should be capitalized.

 In the 'my events' section there is much that could sound better. Участник has not been translated--'participant'. 'Joined' sounds strange--it would be better to say 'attending'. Again, better to say 'you have been invited by' and not 'you've been or you're invited by'. Better to say 'attending' or 'not attending' than 'Do not participate'. On the other hand, you can only 'attend' an event, and not a group...Don't know about that one. 'Where' and 'when' versus 'location' and 'time' is a matter of preference--either works.

I would suggest "Recently updated" instead of "updates". I believe that "updates", used as it currently is, is a noun. Though you wish to have a past tense verb, with an adjetive (ie "Recently updated"). This would mean that an update has already taken place. And "recently" would clarify that it is not simply people who have ever updated their profiles, etc, but those who have done so in a recent period of time.
Good work!

PS Movie theater = cinema
PPS "Updates" is what Windows tells you that you need... Don't be like Windows :-)
PPPS Instead of having "Edit" when I finish typing a correction here, it ought to say "Done" or "Post".

In my opininon, both variants are possible. Anyway, thanks.

 maybe not "Blacklist" but "Ban list" ?

 Religious views should say "Catholic" or "Roman Catholic" instead of "католицизм"

 In my profile "City" should say "Saint Petersburg" in English, not Russian, as soon as I switch to English version.

 When looking at photos, it should say "Tag this photo" instead of "Tag the photo."

 Photos with me ===> photos of me

It'"2 persons have requested you as a friend"

must be ==> 2 people


Or simply say "You have 1 friendrequest / 2 friendrequests."

English/American people don't say "requested you as a friend". Sounds strange.

 No, not 'Married with...' !!!
'Married to ...' is correct.

My Audio instead of My Music
My Updates sounds ok to me, but on Facebook it is called the News Feed.

The Graffiti flash tool still needs to be translated:
толщина = Size
интенсивность= Transparency
Also: Cancel, Clear, Send

It seems like Carlos Mrosek is not a native speaker to me...and he has some strange ideas about combining words ('Photoalbums', 'Friendrequest') in fact everything suggested in post #21 is wrong - leave them as they are! I know you are only trying to help, but leave it to the native speakers please.

 Okay Matt, I'm fine with 'Married to ...' :)

But why is everything in #21 wrong?

At the moment, the english language sounds a bit gay and very unpersonal to me. Just people from England speaks this strange english :)

What's wrong with "friendrequest" ? Does it matter if "friendrequest" or "friend request" ?

..but okay if you really want it to be "friend request" ..

And I just see many little sentences looking like it has been just translated from russian into english, but of diffrent people. One time it's called "xxx", and in another part the same thing is called "yyy", and in another part "zzz". It's a bit irritating and doesn't looks clean. I have seen this in other language translations too, there should be a better system behind the translations, because some files are universal and the variables appears twice or more. The translations should be more even if it's one and the same thing.

@Александр: Not a bad idea, I thought already same about the groups, but if this would make sense - I don't know. The transliteration of names are diffrent in every country, due of their alphabet and spelling.


 Ok, why is #21 wrong you ask?
Well, with your first line - 'Adding a Friend ==> Add friend', I don't know the context (where is this from?), so I couldn't really say whether it is correct or not.
But otherwise, none of the changes you suggest are needed, it is perfectly clear and correct already. The versions you suggest sound a bit strange in comparison. Certainly it is wrong to make up words by glueing two words together ('friendrequest'). This is not how English works.
'add a personal message' is better because it is in fact an optional, personal message, but quite obvious that it is optional (as you don't have to write one!). Therefore changing it to 'optional' just makes things less clear.

If English sounds 'gay' (and please don't approach homophobia by using this as a synonym for 'bad'), then please use your native language for vkontakte instead. Perhaps English culture is such that these phrases seems less personal to you, but I assure you, they make perfect sense to us English native speakers.

I am trying very hard to make this interface correct and clear for English users. I agree that there should have been a better system for translation, but it's too late for that now, all we can do is attempt to homogenise things.
For example, the administration needs to decide whether to capitalise every word (as in 'My Friends'), or only the first letter ('Select school'). At the moment, there is clearly a mixture.


 I still can't find the phrase 'adding as a friend'

Whatever you think may sound 'more personal' or prefer, it is not up to personal preference. The translations should be correct, not simply what you like. If you want to personalise a language, get firefox and greasemonkey and make it so - but just for you!
The same applies to your suggestion of 'Friends of Ross'. There is actually nothing wrong with 'Ross's Friends'; it is not even difficult to say (for a native speaker anyway). I know nobody who would say or write 'Friends of Ross' in this context, and I believe native speakers will agree with me that xxx's friends is correct. Whether we like it or not.

Here in England we are trying to eliminate the use of 'gay' as 'rubbish' or 'different' as you claim. Once you point out differences, you open things up to abuse. Bullying comes from people being seen as different.

I know you are trying to help, but your personal preferences should not be part of the translation of vkontakte. Furthermore, you are clearly not a native speaker, so why did you post in this thread? There are others you may post in.

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